Well, can you believe it has been a week already? I have mentioned before it seems my time lately just flies by faster and faster, and the kids grow more and more each day. No matter how much i am around the kids, i seem to miss some development that just "appears" one day. I guess that goes with the amount of softness that seems to just appear one day on another part of the body, even though it was a slow process in reality.
I have had so many comments over the past couple months, by family, friends, and strangers, about the amount of energy and physical work it must take for me to keep up with two two-year-olds, but still after all the effort of chasing through stores, tackling for diaper changes, endless toy pickup duty, and lifting for hugs and kisses, i still do not seem to lose weight from this activity...i wonder how things would be if i DIDN'T have all this activity daily!
So before i reach my goals and ask for yours, i want to give credit to this idea of a Wednesday Weigh- In is from another blog that i read daily, a lady i have never met, but enjoy reading the stories of her juggling her triplets and 18 month children. And i thought i was busy! Her blog is amazingtrips.blogspot.com if anybody is interested. Anyway i hope that in the next couple weeks after i have more interest in this idea, that i will give out a small prize, such as a ipod shuffle 1 gig mp3 player. I think this would be at most a motivation and something smaller than the typical ipods to use during our workouts, walks, or just to drown out the world now and then.
So here is how i have been on my goals, trying to stay as motivated as possible, to turn things into habit, even though i was spoiled with nice weather in the middle of January, i am sure i will have to be more creative (such as a wii fit eventually) for those snowy below zero days that are around the corner.

Last week i felt i could handle a jog or a brisk walk twice this week, and so that is what i did with the great weather. We took the dog for a walk, realizing its best if i hold his leash, or leave him off the least to trot nicely next to me. The place i went was the local city greenbelt, and from my calculations it was about 4 miles from where we started and then looped around to back to the beginning. I did manage to pull this off Friday and Monday, with the kids in the double stroller which they are outgrowing, to my realization that the bottom is dragging on the ground and soon the holes will allow their feet to fall through to the pavement.

Now call me crazy to expect two toddler ages children to sit side by side in very small quarters for an hour walk. They do begin to fight, bicker, and do what they can to get on each others nerves...such as pulling hair, leaning on each other, and not letting go of clothing when the other one cries for them to. So with a few quick stops to load them with fruit snacks or chips to keep them concentrating on the task at hand...wait patiently for mom to take this long walk and then we can play at the playground at the end! And so i keep to my word, and they love it, there is also a dog park nearby that if Batman was more EXPLORITORY and less attatched to my side, he could enjoy running off his leash freely without frowns from other passerbys (he stays by my side when he is off his leash anyway so backoff people!)

So to reward for 4 days well done, why not have a girls night out? Singing Kareoke and cancleing out all the calories i burned walking, lunging, and pullups by filling up on chick drinks, and then proceeding to have the wonderful idea of walking the 3 miles home...ugg to the blisters i felt the next morning.
So after a week, i have managed to maintain my weight and reward my kids and myself with a refreshing hike at Veaduawoo with the puppy. We all had a blast hiking, playing in the snow, climbing rocks, and looking for "tigers" AKA mountain lions.
I did also all the lunges that i planned to, and have one more night to knock of 3 sets of pullup ab workouts...which hurts...burns my abs badly! As for the not eating after 8, i only did two nights this week, and regret every moment, atleast one was a salad right? The weekends are always the hardest for me, less motivation for sure.
How about everybody else? How are things going? Any soreness or scars to show your hard work? Maybe that is just Bucko who i found this scratch on him after Veadauwoo...he is optimistic saying "Chicks dig it!"
Whats working and whats not, lets get this next week over with now! :)
Oh and guess what...Kendall just said Wii Fit may be in our near feature! :)
Oh my, that looks like a bad scratch on Aidan...Wonderful wonderful picture of the kids on the fence at veedavoo! And you did not say, but why is Aidan on the ground in the first picture? My theory is, he was hanging on to Batmans leash and fell trying to hold on to him?
I have done pretty good as to exercising...not as good as i want, but much better than usual. I wore myself out with WII Fit and while we were in SB with Zach's family, we went for a walk with Denis, and he made us stop and do special exercises (like running up bleachers and balancing on bricks). I have been trying to eat better. Tonight Zach, Jer and I are going swimming (laps, not pleasure). Didn't weigh in this morning as there won't be any change (and I forgot).
Oh, there is a Runza down the street from Denis and Glenda's house, and instead of riding in the car down the road, zach and I ran half the way and walked the rest.
Well, I started only a couple days prior to your "Wednesday Weigh In" this past week, but I have exercised every day since I made my commitment to do at least 5 days a week. I also went longer than 15-20 minutes, so yeah for me. :)
I am glad that we are all working toward some goal...it is nice to know that i have others that are trying to get motivation too...now if i can just find me a wii fit for this snowstorm coming....:)mom you will just have to come visit :)
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