Hey everybody just reminder, tonight is Earth Hour, for one hour turn off all unnecessary electronics, turn off all lights for an hour! It is 830-930, i think we can all withstand to use our lights or tv for one hour! Break out the candles and board games :)

Well our power went off for almost an hour the other day. Does that count? lol When you texted me about this I had not heard of it at all. Karen had not heard of it either but Zach had. So I looked it up online. I have always thought whenever you can conserve energy and water, that is a good thing, and I try to do that by turning off unnessary lights, electonics etc. Only running my dishwasher when its full. Same with laundry, if possible wait for a bigger load. I turn the furnace down at night while we are sleeping. If I have extra water from something, say old water bottle or something instead of pouring it down the sink, I water my plants with it. When I defrost my freezer (which by that time is many inches thick) I take the big chunks of ice and let them melt on the lawn instead of in the sink or smaller chunks can water plants too. (I do need to defrost more often! Too much frost build up makes appliances work harder and that is not a good thing) even ice cubes that drop on the floor accidently, I put in my plants to melt there. Not letting the water run constantly for anything such as brushing teeth. Just a bunch of little things if people would do everyday would help. I will try to turn off as much as Ken will let me tonight from 8:30 to 9:30. Let you know how that goes....how about your friends your visiting tonight?
Are they going to participate? Let me know how that goes with you guys too :)
I think also it is the places like Las Vegas with all the millions of lights on constantly is the biggest waste of energy. Theme parks, just think of all the rides and lights. Disneyland etc...The big car races, Indy 500 etc. Just think how much fuel and tires they waste there. And for what? Just a sport. So yeah just a thought...I am sure you can think of other huge places that wastes so much...
Yea i think you hit some good ones! haha, We didn't get the lights off there but before i left i made sure we unplugged everything that could be unplugged and turned off all the lights..minus 1 for the "oh we possibly could be home" light.
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