So this past week i have been in the mood to clean...ok lets rephrase that, maybe not the mood but i have a little more motivation to clean with warmer weather here. Spring is Saturday so it isn't something too premature to do.
I have set a steady pace, cleaning each room, vacuum that room and under the furniture (although our vacuum stops in the middle of the room and cannot start up again for another hour for some reason so one room a day). I cleaned off the kitchen counters, cleaned under all of that crud, and continued to the kitchen floor and walls. uck! There is so much more on my list but i still have 2 more days.
We also have been dog sitting this week for our good friends Karl and Amber (boston terrier and dachshund) we also watched Geoff and Gina's dog for a few days since he was not behaving well with their other dog that was in heat(German shorthair). So to say we had quite the variety of dogs for a wile, back down to three at the time though...all batmans age, all rambuncious puppies.

This week as been interesting, i have not wanted to spend a moment inside due to the 60 degree weather we have had. This is very unnormal for Wyoming, and especialy our region we are in surrounded by mountains. No complaints, i know i have mentioned the weather the past few weeks a lot but oh my goodness it is crazy! We are just all keeping in the back of our heads the snow that will be coming...late into June.
Oh Look forcast says Monday for snow...

Being that it is so nice i have completely ignored all excersice indoors and instead have chosen to go outdoors and run, walk, and watch the kids enjoy the weather. We also were fortunate to greet a new baby into our close family of friends here. Cameron. The kids adore him, and we visited him twice in the hospital and now just giving the new parents and baby time to themselves. We will regroup to our Thursday night dinner when they are ready. Congrats Gary and Nikki again!

The kids have been finding flowers beginning to grow in our gardens, after i explained to them that does not mean they need to pull them up the rest of the way. I try and find a different outing each day, i figure that in itself is excersise. Plus, if i have a choice to do wii or enjoy time with watching the kids do something they enjoy, it is worth it to be with them.
You always hear the life is short live for today. I do that but not so insanely that i am risking my life, more of taking time i normally would use for the computer, tv, whatever to spend it with Layla and Aidan. They are growing so fast i feel as if i am missing such a great age when i am doing something else not as important.
The emotions they show, the conversations we have amazes me. We went to the geology museum on campus again, they have now been 3-4 times. I was suprised they actually had new exhibits, and what is neat about this tiny little museum is all the fossels, and bones are found in Wyoming, makes it more close to home...real. The newest exhibit ready to display ( there are others in the making) was a giant prehistoric bird. They had the whole display of the bones set up, it had to be over 7 feet tall with the large beak that could just tear something up. I was very impressed and almost missed it, i will be sure to take a picture with the kids near it when we can talk Kendall into going when he has some time off.

Everything we have done the past weeks, hiking, museum, parks, lakes, rivers, greenhouse, was all free (we have a goal to go to every park in laramie...i think we did unless there is one i am not aware of). It is so nice to be able to do things outside for free, and that the kids REALLY enjoy it. Although at the greenhouse on campus they were more interested in the lady bug on my shirt than any thing else, or at the museum the big metal dinosuar outside was more fasinating than the actual real skeletons, or in the mountaisn they enjoy picking up 40mm bullet shells rather than looking at the awesome scenery...it is still a great time for all of us to enjoy. I hope that i can continue to educate them on every outing we go on!
So how are you on your goals? Anything different? I have a goal of 3 pounds by the end of the month now...i have to get serious if i want to look good in my bathing suit this summer for the lake!
I forgot to come by and play with the dachsie. Oh well...I will have to come by and play with my favorite nephew and my cute little neice!
Dachsie is still here! so come tomorrow :)
How did you get all those dogs to sit so nice for that picture?
i told you mom...dog whisperer!
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