Transitioning from the college age experienced into parenthood, careers, and family i have began to realize that the friends i share now are the ones that will be the ones i share years from now. I realize that things that use to seem so important are really not that all important.
We have a close knit group of friends, a group that has maintained their trust within the family we have in Meet the Parents, the circle of trust. Trying times for us, we have had not only our family step up, but our family of friends step up and do all that they can in order to know that we make it through the obstacles. In return we try our best to do the same in return.

I like to believe that family and friends throughout our whole life has molded us into the people we are, i would like to believe that we are good people from them. The friends that have not stuck around i do not regret knowing, instead i like to think of them as pieces to my puzzle of life that is building the bigger picture. What is that about the company you keep?

I understand that yes i have become a parent, that 90% of my conversations have taken a full swing from talking about weekend parties, men, and spring break trips to talking about Layla and Aidan...and more of Layla and Aidan. It is something that if you do not have a child of your own is probably seen as really obnoxious...i use to view it that way too i understand we do not reach the same paths in our lives at the same time, but once you do share parenthood, its like "wow...that is all we have to talk about...that IS our life!"

Relationships good or bad mold who we are and who we will become. Surrounding myself with good people, with the hopes of finding the good in myself, and raising my children to be good within this group. By weeding out those that bring out the wrong in me, the ones that do make me feel uncomfortable with myself. I have mentioned many times before, i want to teach Layla and Aidan love, compassion, faith, passion...the list goes on...each of my friends and family have something they can positively bring to our lives.
Even though the most exciting thing in my life is watching Layla and Aidan seeing a weasel for the first time and the excitement, then realizing that Kendall and I are acting the same way, for it was the first time WE had seen a weasel in the wild, 6 feet away with no cage around it.

Most importantly i think a relationship with ones own family is what makes us better with creating healthy relationships outside to bring new friends into the family circle. We realize that we only want the best people around our children, the ones that our children can look up to, ones that we can look up to and count on for different reasons. This may sound selfish, but when i look at the bigger picture, when Layla and Aidan grow to choose their own friends, i want to see them with friends that will mold them into young healthy adults, genuine, and a big heart. If they grow up seeing us with a loving family and friend circle, i can only pray that they will find the happiness and support we have in their future circles.

Even though Kendall and Layla are close little pals, Daddy's girl. Aidan is my little mama's boy, and even though i don't always fully understand Layla, Kendall seems to, and even though he may not fully understand Aidan, i do. We work as a team, we work as a family, we work together to be as good as we can for them, ourselves, and the family around us!
1 comment:
You are a great philosopher :) I love reading these kinds of blogs you do. I love the pictures too. That weasel is pretty cute looking. How did you take that picture of you all eating on the rock? Again you have to figure out how to back up your blog, so much great content!
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