Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Layla's Smile

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Boys are Trouble! Girls are Pests!
Well, i always have known that boys are trouble, but i now realize this "trouble" comes before they are even born. Aidan, insists on hanging out right under my left side of my rib cage, making it very uncomfortable and painful for me to bend over, or even lay on that side sometimes. In a way i think he may realize this but is just being a boy and keeping me umcomfortable! On the other hand Layla isn't all innocence either, she seems to be resting on my bladder, and some days it feels as though she is lashing out at me by squeezing my bladder with her little hands or jumping on it like its some kind of indoor trampoline, whichever, it's uncomfortable and a pain to have to pee every 2 seconds because of her games! I guess i need to get use to this, daughters and mothers always seem to butt heads later in life! And well boys are boys! :D
Monday, April 24, 2006
Turkey Anybody?
Well, the other day, i was telling Kendall how my belly button is ready to pop out completely any day now, his response to me was "just like a turkey!". uhhh. yea just like a turkey, if only when it pops out like a turkey button i could be done with pregnancy! hehe.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Well, After church with Karen and Zach, Karen was my date to my work's end of the year picnic, despite the cold winds, and cloudyness, we bared the cold and got some good hotdogs. plus Karen got to see Van's cute little hedgehog so shes thinking that would be a cool pet someday maybe. I won a trophy for the most returned "will considers" at my job, so its pretty neat! Karen also gave me my birthday presents which rock! She gave me the CUTEST apron, its darling, i feel like i need a pearl necklace to wear with it :P She also thought to get me a coloring book for work since we cant do very much while we are on the phone, which was very much needed to cure my boredom! and also an adorable poster with a mommy pengiun and a daddy penguin with their baby in between them. awwww i love penguins! so we already hung it up! :D
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Oldies, Cheesestix, and a Personal Pan Pizza
Well, either Kendall being gone for the weekend leaving me bored out of my mind, or the pregnancy kicking in, (maybe both) but since friday afternoon i have been "nesting" and constanly doing something productive. As an example today i washed every thread of fabric in this room (even the sheets and 10,000 pillowcases Kendall owns)that equallying about 8 loads of laundry, and 7 hours of my time today. I also yesterday cleaned out my car, cleaned up my room, and still managed to play games and eat dinner with friends. If that isn't enought to fill my every moment of the day, today i even managed to watch 3 movies on TV that i had never seen, spend over an hour basking in the sun at a track meet, and sort through the "baby change jar" we had. I split the money in half one for each baby and well there is 26$ EACH already... IN CHANGE! So i now have 2 bottles one for each baby's change (once it reaches 50$ each, i think Kendall and I next semester will make a savings account for the babes for the future, of course never telling them because i dont want them to take advantage of it and blow what we have saved). yea i think i am pretty bored!
Well, i think tonight the pregnancy caught up to me, and with a sore back and a craving that i couldnt get OFF MY MIND, i just had to act on it (plus Kendall wasn't here for me to whine to for him to go get it for me). Cheesestix and a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut, is there any other pizza really better than this? (minus terra granos which i did want even more but i figured the 80 mile drive there to find out it closed at 9 would bring tears).
Now to get to the "oldies" part of my title. Ok so i hear playing mozart, or some sort of classical music around my pregnant belly makes it so the babies come out "sophisticated" or something whether, well i decided yes ill get around to that later, but right now im going for them coming out with "good taste" in music, so all week i have been jamming out to my oldies in my car, nothing like some pure good music to get my jamming! :D
Well, i think tonight the pregnancy caught up to me, and with a sore back and a craving that i couldnt get OFF MY MIND, i just had to act on it (plus Kendall wasn't here for me to whine to for him to go get it for me). Cheesestix and a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut, is there any other pizza really better than this? (minus terra granos which i did want even more but i figured the 80 mile drive there to find out it closed at 9 would bring tears).
Now to get to the "oldies" part of my title. Ok so i hear playing mozart, or some sort of classical music around my pregnant belly makes it so the babies come out "sophisticated" or something whether, well i decided yes ill get around to that later, but right now im going for them coming out with "good taste" in music, so all week i have been jamming out to my oldies in my car, nothing like some pure good music to get my jamming! :D
Friday, April 21, 2006
Well, i came home to discover last night, Kendall's roommates had it out for each other again or something, all in all in the end the one that picked up the internet and cable part of the bills took everything leaving me internetless and soon cableless. Sigh, so i might not be as on as much as i want to be anymore!! AWW! sometimes i can get on the neighbors internet using Kendall's computer but its a iffy connection, so if you don't see me on here as much, miss me a little bit!!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Big 2-1
Well, it has finally come and gone, i am not 21 and can enjoy all the virgin drinks i want! hehe, my day yesterday started at midnight with kendall baking me a cake, but i was sleeping, so then in the morning he showed me again, nope still sleeping, so finally for lunch he had nonblowing out candles and it all frosted up, there is 1 piece left and it has been a delicious time eating it all! After my long day of working and night of working, Gary, Nikki, Kendall, Bonck, and Caleb took me to 3 different bars to have some good ol virgin drinks. It was neat just being out, there wasnt alot of people which made it just us, and since laramie has a no smoking policy on any public business it was nice to be able to breath too! Well, thats my story of my birthday, i enjoyed many calls, texts, and facebook messages all throughout the day and today even! :D love you all!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
It's a Girl!!! It's A Boy!!!
Well, Friday we found out the sexes of our babes on the way, and turns out were getting a Girl Layla Ann, and also a boy, Aidan Scott. We are pretty excited, one of each is a pretty good compromise, best of both worlds :D I had a great weekend, mama came down for the doctors appointment, stayed the night and Karen, Mama and Amba and I all went shopping Saturday, with Adrianna in tow, it was a fun day i really enjoy being able to hang out with the girls of the family:D Made my weekend complete! Mama stayed and went to church with Karen, Zach, Kendall and I, loads of fun miss everybody already! Happy Easter!!
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