Friday, April 20, 2007

Back Pain

Since the beginning of March i have been having horrible backpain that has been increasing more and more, this morning when i woke up i couldn't stand up straight, i was unable to pick up the kids, bend over, and barely get out of bed from the pain! Since the joint doctor here only comes on tuesday i couldn't wait till then, so this morning i headed to the ER. Found out from my pregnancy, my joints as with every lady having a baby, spread, including the bones and muscles in my lower back, wellllll turns out they did not go back properly in to place and are "off" a bit. This is causing pain which the Doctor says ill have forever pretty much, i need to see a physical therapist to help work my joints and muscles to help the pain, ice it, and take antiinflamitories, muscle relaxers and yes strong pain killers. Hopefully i can stretch enough that i dont have to be feeling disabled and hobbling around in pain all my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you get time, maybe that week off, maybe you could get a second opinion. would be better for your health if you are not on those pills long term..........