Layla trying out the walker from the late 70's early 80's...Yes it went through all 4 of us kids, and now 2 more!
Aidan getting on his knees! He then isn't sure how to go forward, so he goes back to his tummy frustrated! Getting close! Aidan showing off his time in the walker, they really like being able to get around and into more stuff! Sibling rivalry, already, aww...they need to continue being best friends! :D Layla showing how to not sit in the bouncy chair...this is why we have to strap her in, she can get pretty wild! Wonder who she gets that from? ;)
Thats so cool they are using that walker! It is special thinking that all you kids were in it too at one time! I know where Layla gets that wild streak! Her momma (even when strapped in) somehow managed to unstrap and SIT on her high chair tray! not to mention crawling OUT of her crib at 3a.m. and exploring the house, flipping on lights. (good thing though that you did flip on lights, so that I woke up!)
Thats so cool they are using that walker! It is special thinking that all you kids were in it too at one time! I know where Layla gets that wild streak! Her momma (even when strapped in) somehow managed to unstrap and SIT on her high chair tray! not to mention crawling OUT of her crib at 3a.m. and exploring the house, flipping on lights. (good thing though that you did flip on lights, so that I woke up!)
Layla looks funny turned on her tummy in her bouncy chair!
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