Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Sacrifices Of Having Twins:

1. Warm Meals
2. All my food to myself (They like me to share)
3. Regular Showers
4. Naps
5. Clean clothes without food stains (They enjoy spitting it everywhere)
6. Sleeping in on Saturdays
7. Good back without pain
8. Clean house (More kids stuff than I own)
9. Free-time
10. Going to the bathroom without having to hold it for an hour while soothing upset babies!
11. Make-up
12. Watching my T.V. shows (Cartoons are great...on a limited bases!)
13. Music that isn't a theme song to a cartoon!

In the end? It’s ALL worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having been there I do not remember making any sacrificies just receiving blessings. Gail