I made it through the week, although next week isn't going to be any better. I ended my busy week by calling Kendall to come home from work at 8:40 because i forgot i had a follow-up for research at 845...after running up there and getting everything prepared...the participant didn't show...AW!! I guess it is just that time of the semester where everything is either due or all exams fall within a week making studying an endless task. The kids have been growing up so fast, they are beginning to say two syllable words, Aidan's favorite this week? Apple. They both say it very good, and it seems that having an apple a day for the past three days has made them want an apple ALL the time. They wake up saying "Apple" they run and point into the kitchen saying "apple". I am not complaining, apples are a great fruit and good for them, but unfortunately we are all out, and i work this evening so i won't make it to the store unless i walk them to Safeway today, which i am debating to do since it is supposed to be pretty warm (45, with wind it will feel like 35). Plus a bonus of walking to the grocery store is Kendall's office is right on the way. We have tried to stop and see him 2 times this past week but he was unfortunately out doing Realitor work i guess, so we just made a loop up to a park nearby. It also works that i have two good friends who love the kids that live along that loop. The kids LOVE walking alongside the wagon instead of sitting in it when we are at the park, even though they drove me nuts by walking opposite directions and made me chase them all over. We will see, i love walking with them because they point out everything even if they are unsure what it is, plus it will help me lose a few pounds too!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Week Wrap-up
I made it through the week, although next week isn't going to be any better. I ended my busy week by calling Kendall to come home from work at 8:40 because i forgot i had a follow-up for research at 845...after running up there and getting everything prepared...the participant didn't show...AW!! I guess it is just that time of the semester where everything is either due or all exams fall within a week making studying an endless task. The kids have been growing up so fast, they are beginning to say two syllable words, Aidan's favorite this week? Apple. They both say it very good, and it seems that having an apple a day for the past three days has made them want an apple ALL the time. They wake up saying "Apple" they run and point into the kitchen saying "apple". I am not complaining, apples are a great fruit and good for them, but unfortunately we are all out, and i work this evening so i won't make it to the store unless i walk them to Safeway today, which i am debating to do since it is supposed to be pretty warm (45, with wind it will feel like 35). Plus a bonus of walking to the grocery store is Kendall's office is right on the way. We have tried to stop and see him 2 times this past week but he was unfortunately out doing Realitor work i guess, so we just made a loop up to a park nearby. It also works that i have two good friends who love the kids that live along that loop. The kids LOVE walking alongside the wagon instead of sitting in it when we are at the park, even though they drove me nuts by walking opposite directions and made me chase them all over. We will see, i love walking with them because they point out everything even if they are unsure what it is, plus it will help me lose a few pounds too!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Pictures from Here and There
Monday, February 25, 2008
Giggles Starting a Busy Week
This week is going to be pretty busy for me, right now i am procrastinating a paper that is due at 8am tomorrow. I need it typed before work so i can print it, i just do not like the whole research style of writing a paper, no 1st person references and such. Oh-well, its required and 3 pages maximum so that is a pretty easy thing to accomplish. I also need to make time to meet with my boss today about different work stuff, do a follow-up research thing tomorrow evening, have an exam on Thursday *(which i have to pass this time!!) and more research on Friday. Through all of this i have to keep the kids occupied, hope that its warm enough to go play in the snow today, and start planning my brothers St. Patrick's gift box to the middle east...Another thing is i would like to start working more on potty training, i slacked off this past week or so, and Layla had gone 3 days in a row! So today she was acting like she needed to use the potty, i asked, she nodded yes. Soon as we got in the bathroom though Aidan went and sat on the little potty proudly(he likes to practice sitting on it for now), so i hurriedly put her on the big potty and sure enough she went! YAY! Only bad thing was, when i was praising her and carrying her to get a new diaper i bumped her head...so she is probably thinking "great i pooped and now i get my head bumped...not happening again!"
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sign Lanauge
I have really been working with the kids on their sign language, each signs their own little form, and each can sign somethings the others cant. In this video it is mostly Layla signing about 20 signs, Aidan wasn't feeling up to it, he wanted to take a nap. It is hard to get both their attention at once but at least you all can get an idea of the work i have put into teaching them! :) i am proud of them! I have a bout 50 pictures of some park fun and walks from this week since it has been warmer (35 degrees is a great here!) i am actually going for a walk with a friend and her new little baby in an hour so i best go feed these little tykes and head out!
I haven't been updating as much as i would like to. Part of the reason is i have been so busy with school, kids, and work (oh and its been 30-40 degrees so been taking long walks...its warm! haha). The other part of my time has been doing research under a Dr. here at school. It is an amazing opportunity, i am able to work in the anxiety disorders lab to where i run research for him and a few of his graduate students. I started this last semester but i was only signed up for 3 hours a week so i only ran the control studies and entered data. This semester i am getting the opportunity to not only run the control studies but also the condition (ok i know i am using a lot of psychology jargon, a control study is pretty much the part of the study that is not manipulated to get results, it is more of a "placebo". A control is manipulated in order to get some results or test certain therapies for a result). I probably still will have to enter data, but i may be able to review some of the videotapes to asses the nervousness of public speaking anxiety students, and also if i continue doing well in the lab, maybe next semester i will be able to set up my own study. So that is some of what i am doing with my spare time, about 6 hours a week.
Monday, February 18, 2008
After we got home, i would say in less than 2 hours it began to snow...a good few inches. Pretty good for it not being in the forecast at all! haha. Guess i jinxed it.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
New Room
Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentine CupCakes!
Valentine's day went pretty good, especially when it started on Monday because Kendall was so excited to give me my present...Yes he got me a wonderful 3 hour spa treatment! I am WAY excited to use it, but i want to wait for the perfect time!! :) Maybe a great little spring sprucing up for myself? We will see. Anyway, the kids got wonderful gifts, they got 6 new books from their Grandma Gail, teaching opposites to the kids, we gave those to them yesterday and they played with them for some time. Kendall and I bought them a pair of new pajamas each, real nice fleece, and warm. To add to the festivities of Valentines Day, we decided to bake cupcakes for the kids to give out to some friends and family around town. The first round of sprinkles resulted in a real tired Layla meltdown (Em has it on video, it was some meltdown). But after that miss hap and a good long nap, things went a lot more smoothly the second time around! Here are a few pictures of the cupcake ordeal...i have a few videos, still deciding if i should post one or not.
Here is Layla concentrating hard to get her sprinkles on the cupcake...as you can see not very many are on the cupcake compared to the table...
Aidan kept missing the table completely, i think he enjoyed the shaker more than what came out of the shaker. He still did a wonderful job, i mean 4 dozen cupcakes to sprinkle, they became pros.
Ooops, we turn our backs for a second to swap a cupcake to be sprinkled and Aidan has dug into one! Oh well, a small set back we let them eat it and get all messy.
Afterward the kids figured out that the sprinkles stick to their hands and they can lick them off...yes this is when the REAL mess began! They had colorfully dyed hands and mouth!
Here is Layla trying to shake off some of the sprinkles stuck on her hand, notice the frosting on her nose? That is from the poor cupcake that didn't make it past the sprinkling hehe :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
18 Month Check-up
Today was Layla and Aidan's 18 month check-up at the Doctors. The kids are really healthy, and i had the Dr. look Aidan over since he fell down the stairs this past weekend, he is perfectly fine. The only thing to watch is Aidan hasn't grown since November, he is still 31.5 inches, and Layla only grew a quarter of an inch to catch up to Aidan at 31.5 inches. He explained to us this is obviously genetics since they are staying so close in growth as they have their whole life, and we aren't doing anything wrong, and that in the next couple months it won't be uncommon for them to just have a big growth spurt. Of course since they didn't grow height wise, their weights are still about a pound a apart, Layla at 22lbs 8 oz, and Aidan at 23lbs 14 oz. Again nothing to worry about. They have always been skinny kids, and no concern, i mean they EAT all the time, they just ate a bagel between the two of them, after sharing mine and Kendall's lunch (this all a snack, they had lunch 3 hours ago). They got their last 2 shots for a couple years, until they start kindergarten (YAY)! They also have started a fluoride treatment for kids every three months, so they got that first treatment today to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. I think it is good that Wyoming has so much to offer for children, with Equality Care supporting it so we don't have to pay tons of money that we do not have, they also have a Read program that gives the kids a new book each visit. Real cool. The best news is they are over 2 years developmentally in other areas, an example being motor, cognitive, and language. So this puts them 6+ months ahead on the average curve...our next goal is to make sure they do not talk with their paci's in, it causes them to learn to talk with it in, and can effect their language later when it isn't in.
This little video is of Aidan and Layla "mixing up food" for Big bear. Make note that Aidan is "eating" off the spoon like there is food on it, there is NOTHING, it is make believe....REAL cute.
This little video is of Aidan and Layla "mixing up food" for Big bear. Make note that Aidan is "eating" off the spoon like there is food on it, there is NOTHING, it is make believe....REAL cute.
Driving Under the Influence...of Our Cellphone?
Being a Psychology major i learn about many different studies that people may not normally here about, or hear the full story. Recently in my Cognitive Psychology we went over a few studies dealing with Attention. These studies find that it is very hard for us to multi task with something auditory and visual, such as driving and talking on the phone. Very shocking to me was what they found from accidents, and studying attention of those who drive while talking on the cell phone. The results? Driving and talking on the cell phone is equivalent to drinking and driving when it comes to how much attention we can focus on driving. Now i know many of us would never dare drive under the influence, let alone with our children in the car, but yet, we all have talked on the cell phone while driving. Not to say that we will get in a wreck necessarily if we do drive on the phone, or drink and drive(please don't) but the stats show the likely hood is the same for both. And headsets for phones or speaker phones? No better, because our attention is still directed toward what we are hearing. Pretty Scary. Just a little information to think about when talking on the phone next time in traffic!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Frightning Accident of Toddler Curiosity
On a lighter note, Aidan the rest of the weekend had a great time, he played outside for a bit with my dog S'mores who is sooo great with children i can't wait till i can have him here so the kids can play with him daily, he is so sweet, never jumps on children, he has this sense in him that just "knows" that a child is near and is relaxed.
Home for a Visit
We had plenty of silly time, and sorry Karen, the candid pictures didn't really turn out so candid. haha!
Aidan really has taken to my dad over the past months, he always reaches for him to pick him up, and enjoys the attention that he gets. Real cute. My parents have all the toys we had from growing up, which is part of the reason we went to help clean out a bunch of those to give away or keep for our own kids.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Snow Good!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Turn Up Some Bob Dylan
Well, from the video attached of Layla and Aidan enjoying some dance time to Bob Dylan on Monday, it is hard to believe that today Layla is running a fever of 103.5 (started last night) and the Dr. says she seems to have a bit of a sore throat too. Poor girl, her eyes are so droopy, her body is sweaty and hot. I feel that i cannot do enough for her, since it is a "viral" infection all i can do is dose her up on tylenol and motrin and hope this helps with her discomfort. If it seems to hurt when she pees then a new theory of urinary infection will be in place, and i will have to again run to the Doctor. Aidan is fine, very happy, and seems uninfected, i hope it lasts for him, one baby keeping us up all night is enough! On the upside, after Layla's little potty in the toilet on Monday, yesterday she actually did the potty sign on her own and did her thing in the toilet...So far today nothing, but i have to keep in mind that she is feeling horrible, she just sits on my lap, half staring out, half sleeping.
Anyway, i hope the video is enjoyed, it is almost 4 minutes so sorry if its boring! haha i think its darling, you will notice after Aidan starts falling, Layla just falls to imitate him, and then continues copying all his moves...there is even a short dance with Big Bear II. :)
Anyway, i hope the video is enjoyed, it is almost 4 minutes so sorry if its boring! haha i think its darling, you will notice after Aidan starts falling, Layla just falls to imitate him, and then continues copying all his moves...there is even a short dance with Big Bear II. :)
Monday, February 04, 2008
Potty Training 101
The kids have been learning to sit on the potty, and lately i have been taking their diaper off (really need to get pull ups make things REAL easy). They will sit there for a couple of minutes, humor me and "push" when i tell them to. Well today was very good, i saw Layla pushing next to me so i asked her "Do you have to potty?" and she made her potty sign and ran to the bathroom, so i sat her down and sure enough "plop" there was a poop. YAY! Yes i am sure it was accidental that she went in the toilet, another minute with her diaper on and she would have in it, but still i praised her, showed her what she did, and let her flush it down the big toilette. I then gave her some fruit loops as a little prize...So now i am just trying to take them in every hour or so to sit, and hope i catch a potty moment again to encourage! I don't have a lot of time to stare for signs of them going to the bathroom, but i have been watching 30 minutes after they drink. I got Aidan to the potty a few seconds too late, and the same for Layla, she didn't want to go into the potty but play, and dang-it next thing i know her diaper is wet...Timing is everything. Note: I am taking my sweet time training them, they are only 18 months, so i figure by age 2 i want them trained pretty well...that is my goal! :)
Superbowl Party
Friday, February 01, 2008
New Camera Fun pt. 1 Layla
Ok, so i splurged and bought a new camera for myself. I love it. I love my other one too, but it was just to big for traveling or keeping in my purse. I realized this when i was afraid to bring it to vegas in fear that i would lose it or break it. So i sacrificed many wonderful priceless pictures. So, now that i have this new sleek little one, i hope that i will not have another regretful time without pictures...since we know i LOVE taking pictures...here are a few of Layla from the day...following is a few of Aidan from the day...
Layla sucking on her thumb staring at something...
Layla showing me the new discovery of door hinges..she was pretty excited.
Giving Big Bear a hug, this happens dozens of times throughout the day.
Bath time fun!! Layla laughing in the tub...
Layla being silly showing off her crazy hair do...very cute!
New Camera Fun pt. 2 Aidan
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