Monday, February 04, 2008

Potty Training 101

The kids have been learning to sit on the potty, and lately i have been taking their diaper off (really need to get pull ups make things REAL easy). They will sit there for a couple of minutes, humor me and "push" when i tell them to. Well today was very good, i saw Layla pushing next to me so i asked her "Do you have to potty?" and she made her potty sign and ran to the bathroom, so i sat her down and sure enough "plop" there was a poop. YAY! Yes i am sure it was accidental that she went in the toilet, another minute with her diaper on and she would have in it, but still i praised her, showed her what she did, and let her flush it down the big toilette. I then gave her some fruit loops as a little prize...So now i am just trying to take them in every hour or so to sit, and hope i catch a potty moment again to encourage! I don't have a lot of time to stare for signs of them going to the bathroom, but i have been watching 30 minutes after they drink. I got Aidan to the potty a few seconds too late, and the same for Layla, she didn't want to go into the potty but play, and dang-it next thing i know her diaper is wet...Timing is everything. Note: I am taking my sweet time training them, they are only 18 months, so i figure by age 2 i want them trained pretty well...that is my goal! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They will be really nice if you can have them trained by 2! And save a lot on diapers too!