Here is a little game that we caught Layla and Aidan playing, for a good 5 minutes they passed paci's back and forth... I guess it's apparant that they will pass colds back and forth pretty freely in the future!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Week Update
Here is a picture of some pretty wild flowers, i think they may be wild snapdragons from their appearance.
Kendall and I have been pretty busy these past couple of weeks, and with that and the stink'in virus taking over my computer i havnt had time to update too much.
Anyway, Kendall received his Real Estate lisence yesterday, he has a small one to keep in his wallet and the actual certificate his boss is framing and hanging in the office! He has been working real hard and even has his own client lined up. That is pretty much his busy work, i have just been playing stay at home mommy by day and working at night, although Laurel has it set up that anytime i want to this week i can go into the call center instead of the foundation house and work alone, so heck i could bring the kids (thats our thinking) so i may do that tomorrow so i can get a couple more hours, and im sure the kids would love exporing new territory. We will see.
Well, the roofers are back...again after 3 weeks? yes they are horrible and we still have crap all over in our bushes from the first time they were here. ARG...
Oh another update is Mr.Aidan is now pulling himself up on all the furniture also, he is only one step behind Layla, which is real neat to watch. Aidan is such an observer and Layla is a do-er, so our thinking on it is, he will observe Layla trying out all these new things, and if she is ok and doesnt get hurt, he then follows within the next couple thinking!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Carseats and Boxes
Friday, June 22, 2007
Layla Clapping
Here is Ms.Laylabear showing off her new found talent...clapping. Aidan is close to pulling himself up, he just gets real frustrated... and Layla i bet will be walking within the next month. They are growing SOO fast! :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thirteen Thursday
1. Kendall being so great, supportive, and an amazing daddy and recently his passing his real estate lisence test with flying colors!!
2. Layla and Aidan, both such precious individuals, being healthy, and all around good babies.
3. The support of our families means so much to us, and keeping in touch in order to keep the closeness there has been important! We are very fortunate to have such loving, caring, strong families!
7. God keeping an eye on us at all times, and we are still able to provide everything needed for our babes (such as the money needed to buy $$$ new carseats this week, we had it!)
5. The great friends we have here supporting us each and everyday, it is amazing how many awesome people Layla and Aidan will have to look up to as they get older, a real special situation!
6. Our health! We have all managed to stay pretty well, and avoided the worse sicknesses of the seasons! I am glad that Kendall and I are able to keep up with the kids and have a lot of physical activity outside with our kids (pool, hiking, walking, playing at the park...)
7. The time we have. Even though Kendall and I both have jobs, and school, we still manage to spend so much time with each kid individualy, and i am thankful we still have managed to avoid daycare, because of the support we have from so many great friends, and eachother.
8. The great weather! It has been a lot warmer here than usual for this time of year, and it is nice to be able to go outside with the kids on walks or just playing in the yard without worrying about them catching a cold. Now to just watch the sunburns!
9. Fans, oh am i thankful of our fans, Emily picked us up some fans since we have a hothot house in the afternoon, the fans really do help to keep our sanity!
10. I am thankful that Aidan's viral infection is completely gone and he is eating well, playing a lot and crawling so much as any little rugrat is supposed to do!
11. The rattling in my car stopped, hopefully it was just something flipped up inside the engine, everything appeared normal! Oh and my dad taught me a trick on rolling down my drivers side window again! whoohoo!
12. I am thankful that we live so close to everything, since our town is only 3 miles wide, there is no excuse to walk or ride a bike to places when possible, saves gas and is good for the health! (Karen, the kids and I walked to Safeway yesterday for diapers)
13. I am thankful for the happiness that is around me, Kendall, the kids, friends, family, it's really good!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Follow the Leader!
This video is of Aidan and Layla following each other around the house, they love crawling to their room from the living room, and follow eachother. Its REAL cute :)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Viral Infection
I think Layla can since he is not feeling good, but doesn't understand, a lot of my time has been treating him today and she has been trying very hard for my attention, by crawling on me, by tugging on me as i rock Aidan or crawling onto my lap with Aidan. She also found two cherrios on the floor and gave one to Aidan, that was very nice of her since she usually takes things from him!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
June Snow and Classes
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Against Kennedy-McCain Bill
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Just some pictures
Here is our living room, haha we just baby gate the entrance to the kitchen and then block between the couches so they are stuck in one area, spread some toys around and they have a blast playing with eachother(their playing is taking eachothers toys back and forth till one gets frustrated and crys for mom to get their toy back)
Here is Aidan playing with puzzle pieces from a Christmas gift he got from Aunt Karen and Uncle Zach, the wood must taste pretty good because they suck on it a little more then other toys haha.
Layla being her silly self, this little potato salad bucket we will put on her head and she will leave it there all day if we would let her, so lets see, she will wear a bucket forever but putting on a hat to keep the sun off she throws in a tree on our walk(Kendall had to go find it). I guess ill just have her wear a bucket to keep from the sun haha.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Aidan Crawls!! June 1st!
Aidan has taken less than a week to begin crawling after Layla started! Here is a video i took yesterday, if you notice in the background Layla is watching next to Nikki. The only way he would crawl on camera was if we used the subway coupons on the floor for him to target and go to...haha now we have two rugrats!!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Little Angels and Good Buy!
Anyway, we made it to Cheyenne in time to shop for an hour at Ross before meeting Tracy, a friend of mine who just had her baby (Madison) who is 2 months now. We ate at C.B.Potts, a nice sports bar/sitdown restuarant. Everything went smoothly, which makes me proud since it was the first time the kids had really gone to a store OR a restuarant with us(yes they are sheltered! haha) Anyway, after that we went to the mall browsed and then after the kids crashed in their stroller we decided to head home. They were amazing little Angels the whole day! (thats GREAT for two short attention span 9 month olds!). Now we are home and just waiting till bedtime haha, oooh and guess what? Mr. Aidan has started crawling too!! I will try and get a video of that soon!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Layla Crawls! May 27th!
Ok Lets try this again, i changed the setting so everybody can view it! TryTryAgain:) Let me know if it doesn't work this time.
Here is a video of Layla crawling, i know its not that good of a video but she is napping and this is all i have right now, if you want to see more, then hopefully you can see it in person soon!! :) If you listen closely to the video, ok minus my annoying voice, you can hear a "clicking" that is her new trick, she can "clickclick" her tongue on the top of her mouth, we hear it ALL the time now over the monitor, or she will do it when we do it to her. Real cute. Aidan is still just chill, he is sooo close to crawling i think he just gets frustrated to easily.