Thursday, June 14, 2007

Viral Infection

This past week Aidan has been pretty fussy and clingy. I figured he was beginning to teeth(yes i have said that for a long time now). All the symptoms pointed to that, well yesterday afternoon Aidan got a fever of 102. I treated it like a regular fever and watched him closely. But when Aidan woke up in the middle of the night crying and i could not get him to calm down, i knew something was wrong, he is never like this, or ever wakes up in the middle of the night. Took his temperature and it was still over 102! I was getting pretty worried and sat him down to cry and went in the other room to call the Dr. It happened to be one of the two we go to so she knows Aidan. She told me to just keep an eye on him and if it gets over 103 they would like to see him in the clinic. Sure enough, early this afternoon his fever shot up past 103. I packed up my baby boy, found Laurel to watch Laylabear, and took him to the Doctor. The only thing she could come up with is that he has a viral infection, they ruled out a urinary infection since it is rare in circumsized babes, and his ears/throat looked normal. The only way to treat this is not antibiotics but just rotating tylenol and ibuprofen to keep him as comfortable as possible. Poor guy, his temperature was still 103 when Kendall came home tonight. I have never seen him so depressed! He cries and when you hold him he just wimpers, breaths hard, and little tears form in his eyes, add a washcloth on his head and he just is the sadest little boy to look at, breaks my heart! He smiles and laughed at Layla tonight in the tub so that made me feel better since his day has consisted of us trying to get him to eat(not working too well), giving him all kinds of fluids, and sleeping A LOT. If his fever does not go away by Saturday morning we are supposed to take him back to the Doctor. Hopefully it will break tonight!
I think Layla can since he is not feeling good, but doesn't understand, a lot of my time has been treating him today and she has been trying very hard for my attention, by crawling on me, by tugging on me as i rock Aidan or crawling onto my lap with Aidan. She also found two cherrios on the floor and gave one to Aidan, that was very nice of her since she usually takes things from him!


janis said...

Oh I hope his fever breaks soon and he feels better. Tell him his cousin Adrianna was sick too. well, he wont understand but yeah....

Anonymous said...

Hope he is feeling better. It sounds exactly like what Adrianna had.