Saturday, June 23, 2007

Carseats and Boxes

Well, as everybody knows kids are very expencive, and yet again i am checked into that reality when i realized that Aidan was coming close to outgrowing his carseat. So, i decided to stay ahead of that and get them the larger carseats that will last them a couple years now. We originally could have gotten these in the beginning however, they are not ones you can carry around, they are made to stay in the vehicle and when babies are infants its nice to have the snug little carseat to carry them in, especially in the cold and with 2! Anyway, we searched for a carseat that came in 2 colors so we would not confuse the two carseats and have to re-adjust each time we use them for different sized babies(Aidan is over a pound bigger) and i am trying to keep the kids as individuals and not a "unit", since i notice a lot of twins are well talked about as "the twins", not individual...ok maybe i am overreacting but this is my way haha! Well, come to find out it is hard to find multicolored carseats that are under 200$ a piece, but in the end we succeeded in finding them, under $100 each since we have a tight budget. Whoohoo. Here is the pictures of the kids enjoying the carseats, and well the boxes they came in!


Anonymous said...

Layla and Aidan keep getting cuter and cuter. I think babies start really developing such neat personalities once they can start sitting up on their own and crawling. Their faces also start to look more like what they are going to look like even a couple years from now rather than just looking like a baby. If that makes sense. I look at baby pictures of Adrianna and it was about this age that she started to look more like she does today.

janis said...

Peth :)