Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bye Bye!

Well, Blogger now has it to where you can add videos straight on here and skip the step of, so i thought i would try it out! Here is a video i took of Layla and Aidan looking outside, this is what people see when they walk by, or when they leave our house, what they leave behind. Thought i would share it with the you guys, at least 15 seconds of it, it is A LOT cuter in person! You can see Layla lick the screen, they both do that and smash their noses against the screen and look like little piggies!
On another note, Aidan's developmental therapist Deanna came over today, he will be completely discharged from the program in November. Of course his neck looks great, they also checked his ears and they look perfectly healthy. Layla's are healthy but they couldn't do the full test since she wasn't cooperative, Aidan sat like an angel, we were all shocked! She also took pictures of their eyes to check how healthy they are, its crazy that a black and white picture of just their eyes and i could tell them apart! We will get the results to that in the mail. We also are doing the infantsee, a free program to check eye development before a year old, i'd suggest it to anybody...since they couldn't get us in before their 1st birthday they are allowing us to in September for free deal!

1 comment:

janis said...

I am glad we can do it straight to our blogs now. I never liked the idea of millions of total strangers viewing (or embedding) them for their own who knows what use, since we had to make it public on youtube, you know? So I will be looking forward to seeing lots and lots of cute baby videos on here now!