Monday, August 27, 2007

Put a Sock In It!

Ok, have I ever mentioned that my kids are pretty silly? Well they are! Here is a picture i caught of Aidan carrying around his sock in his mouth. Sad thing is, this isn't a rare occurence, both kids seem to enjoy taking off their socks or each other's socks and carrying them around in their mouths as they waddle about the room playing. The picture is even more funny because he has no pants on, that because he tipped over a cup of water on himself trying to "drink" from it. aww...tries so hard to be grown up!

On that note, today is the beginning of Fall Semester, i have class in over an hour, but before that i have to go get pictures taken for brochures or something for campus, couple of my friends are doing it also, the kids are going to be able to be in it with me to hopefully. Yea, maybe ill find out more about this thing and expand later. Back to class...ugh already? Where did my summer go? I haven't even ordered my books yet! Guess that is something ill have to do tonight, because campus prices as you all know are OUTRAGEOUS! but i may have to buy one book and bring it back later since i have an assignment due this evening for my online sociology class.

1 comment:

janis said...

ha ha funny about the socks! I remember a little girl who stuck Q-tips in her ears (and was it your nose too?) and ran down the hallway toward me laughing! seems there might have been a time with straws out of every opening of your head too! can you remember doing that? I was scared you would fall and the Q-tip would pierce your eardrum. At least socks wont hurt if they fall!