Aidan got his first haircut today at Lollilocks, it is such an AWESOME place. Anyway, as soon as i saw the hairdresser pick up the electronic clippers i knew Aidan would cry, he cries when the vacuum, blender, or hairdryer is on at home...poor little guy.

He got to sit in a car or as he would say "caaaaar" but he stood most the time and he was trembling, his little legs were shaking so hard i thought he was going to collapse!

Ok, a little better, once she finished with the clippers she used scissors and he calmed down pretty quick, they also had some toys for him to play with.

Here is the after picture! I didn't realize his hair was so long until they cut it all off! I guess seeing it grow gradually everyday isn't as noticeable for me. He looks like a little boy now, not just a baby boy...does that make sense?

Here is the neat little "first hair cut" package we got. Worth it definitely, what a handsome little boy!
Overall the kids were GREAT, we walked around the promenade shops for a bit, and ended up eating at Red Robin with Gary and Nikki before we headed home. :)
Wow, he really looks different. Your right, I didn't realize how much hair he had either until I got to the last picture! What a handsome little boy:)
Aw, poor boy.
He looks so handsome with his haircut though. I may have to take Adrianna to a place like that. I am sure they have some kiddy places here.
Now he needs a stocking cap to wear if he goes outside to keep his head warm...
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