Today Aidan's Physical Therapist came over for me to sign a few government papers to officially release him from their program. Although his neck was great 6 months ago, we all decided to continue the checkups every few months to make sure he wasn't starting the tendency to lean his head again, which happens often in Torticollis children. So a little over a year later this is the results Aidan has had...his neck is straight up! He has full movement with no stiffness or pain when he turns it left or right, yes he has a normal 17 month old neck movement:)

On another note...can you believe they have grown so much within a year? It is like time has been put on fast forward, every day i notice something new, something learned, some new milestone. My days FLY by, the weeks wizz by, and the year has just passed by too quickly...i am sure glad that Kendall and I have worked out a situation in where we can spend a lot of time with each of them...probably more time with them then we get with each other but hey, it's worth every second!
1 comment:
What a difference in his neck over the year! :)
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