Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Baby Babblers

Ok, so there is something i have noticed over the past 17 months...i am maybe in a dozen pictures out of....thousands of the kids that i have. Why am i not in any pictures with my kids? Same reason many of us parents find us lacking in the pictures with our kids...Obviously i take on the picture taking around here, maybe i go overboard by taking 10 pictures of them rocking in a chair together, or 25 pictures of them wrestling big bear, but hey its what i do and out of all those shots i actually get some perfect pictures without eyes closed, back of heads, so forth. Anyway, what comes with this picture taking job is nobody around to take MY picture with the kids...the pictures i AM in is when i get sad about it and shove the camera in Kendall's hand and say TAKE A PICTURE of me with the kids!! Yes i know there are timers on cameras, and i use to use that to get in the occasional photo, but now it is next to impossible to get the two to hold still let alone with me there and look at a camera with nobody behind it making noises to get their eye contact. ANYWHO, these are pictures i took of me and the kids...the old fashioned holding it out in front of me and snapping a picture...these are my favorites of the 8 i took! haha.

Ok, on to what i originally wanted to blog about/brag about...same thing. De
cember 9th i wrote down a list of words that the kids could say, or have said. Average between the two it was about 16 words...well i again made a list today of the words that the kids have learned and said since that date...in a full month the kids vocabulary has doubled! It averages out to about 16/17 again in one month! Little smarties, and these lists don't include the words they prefer to sign instead of say, such as table, baby, potty, eat, and thankyou. Some of the words they have recently said are highchair, bear, coat, dress, frog, car, truck, and Aidan's favorite...boots. I am real proud of how fast they are growing and developing. Each day i try and work with them i hope to buy some flashcards and teach them words off of those, but right now them just pointing out things in their books and on their Baby Einstein videos is enough for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet they will master Spanish too before me!