Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Big World Out There

This week has been perfect weather to take the kids out for a walk, even though i see it is supposed to cool off after today. Bummer. Anyway, lately i have been taking the kids up to campus more either on my way somewhere, or just to let them get out of the wagon and walk around. It isn't too too busy, however enough that they try and stay a little closer to me when people are walking by, but also enough people they enjoy watching. Today it was 63 degrees, we took a walk from 10-1, stopping by Kendall's work, Laurel's house, and Megan's house. We also ended up eating lunch on campus outside with Megan and her dog Macy (remember the kids LOVE this dog). When we went inside to get taco johns, Layla was SO concerned that we left Macy outside and repeatedly asked "Macy??" Macy??" Very cute.
Ok Look closely in this picture, among the many students you will notice a non-traditional little student walking as if he is just one of the adults. You may have to click on the picture to make it larger, it was just so darling how tiny he is compared to everybody else, no fear at all.
Layla LOVES this dinosaur, she asks about it now only referring to it as "big" she can't of course say dinosaur, and we are practicing t-rex, gosh, even if she could say rex would be cool! She will blow kisses through the fence at it, point out its tail, and also hug the fence trying to hug it. Every time we leave she says "Bye!!" and does a huge wave. Sometime i'll have someone help me take the kids inside the campus museum, and also the greenhouse, i think they would enjoy that.
Aidan thinks the dino is pretty cool too, but he loses interest pretty quick and would rather run around campus with all the big people stepping on each little circle water manhole thingy on the ground, i don't know what the heck they are but he loves jumping on them, and they are everywhere in every size.

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