Saturday, April 05, 2008

Doctor Says Honey

Yesterday i finally gave in and took the kids to the Doctor. It wasn't that i didn't doubt that my diagnosis of teething and a cold was wrong, it was the fact that Aidan happened to come up with this cry throughout the whole night and during nap time which scared the crap out of me! It was though his chest was hurting or was tight, this scared me first on Thursday, and after a whole night of it, and then nap time on Friday, i called got an apt. and headed to the Doctor alone with two toddlers who one feel he is too much of an explorer to hold my hand, and the other one walks SOOO slow sometimes i feel i am not even moving! Everything went smoothly, we were the only one in the waiting room so when kids laid on the floor flailing their hands and legs, and trying to crawl back into the playhouse in the waiting room when i tried to get them to go back to the exam room, it wasn't as quite embarrassing. Finally the nurse came out to try and help me gather 2 kids, in which by the time i would have them both under each arm with Aidan's blanket, Layla's Eeyore and my purse on my shoulder, one would throw their paci...ooooooooook no more hands to grab that!!!

Anyway, the Doctor checked them over, and was thorough to check them all over for hand foot mouth disease which apparently is going around like crazy right now. Thankgoodness they didn't have any signs on that, however she concluded that they were just teething and were coming down with a cold...ok so i was right, but atleast i know FOR SURE that i was right and won't stay up at night stewing over if i am horrible for not taking them in just in case. If they get high fevers we will bring them back in but till then things are fine, except Layla blowing her snotty nose on me as we speak right now then turns to me going "uh oh" as boogers slide down her face and my arm.......ugggg. The joys of kids.

On another note, the kids have a little cough, the Doctors prescription for that? She said research recently has shown that honey is JUST as effective as cough heck why not stay natural and let them down a table spoon of honey? There is a tip for any one with a bad cough, take some honey.


Anonymous said...

Your post made me chuckle as I could just picture in my head all the events as you described them! :)

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to put Momma there...