The other day after Layla had handed me her "bebe" to rock, i noticed how dirty her face had become, so i decided to let her take a bath with Layla. After i took off her clothes about an hour or so before bathtime, Layla carried her around and just admired her baby's body, as if realizing under all her clothes her baby looks just like her! during bathtime she would not put her baby down, or let her head under water very cute (we thought at the time) but afterwards she would not let go of the baby, when Kendall took her away long enough to dry her, we all heard "BEBE!!!!!!!" as Layla cried to Kendall to just give her the baby! Since then i have tried to dress the baby, but nooooooo Layla FREAKS out, she wants her baby naked, she loves her naked baby and refuses to let us dress her, and when we do she wants the clothes off...Silly little girl, so now when we go outside, she feels naked baby needs to come too, even though i am the one that ends up HOLDING naked baby while she plays...
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