Layla and her little friend Stacy (4 months) at Nikki's bridal shower. She really loves babies, and this picture my friend took with her phone camera and sent it to me, it is just so darling! Layla holding Stacy's hand while she naps...very cute! Layla was sure trying to be the life of the party, she would run around TriDelta (Nikki's sorority that we had the shower at) and just be cute as a button to get attention.

This picture makes me smile, just warms my heart! This bambi was mine as a little girl and Layla loves it along with the movie...she will pick the movie out of the hundreds of movies on our shelves and run around with it and bambi repeating "Bambi! Bambi!" unfortunately our DVD players are either broken, in a room they are not allowed in very long, or not hooked up so she can't watch it as much as she would like.

Losing the remotes is a frequent thing around here, either us adults will stuff them out of sight under the arm of the couch, or little toddler hands will run off with them. One day i was digging under all the cushions, flipping them over and such looking for the remote, when i turned around, this is what i saw...apparently my little watchers became little helpers!

Aidan plays the Wii! He grabbed the remote one day, hit a few buttons to start another game of Wii golf, and well he hit it straight down the fairway, and then hit it right up to the green, if he could put i am sure he would have gotten a par. Also in this picture is pink cupcake frosting all over his mouth, the cupcakes are from Nikki's bridal shower and um...they turned his diaper pink to say it nicely also...

Lately when i go to the park atleast one child will run the opposite way and NOT listen or stop. Mostly Aidan. It scares me to death, because it is hard to choose, should i leave this child in a swing along and run after the other, take the kid out of the swing, and risk the other child running out into the street before i can get the other child completely out of the child swing (not a fast process). So i decided, if they are not going to listen they will have to use this cute little monkey backpack with a leash to keep them close to me. I'll give them a chance, and whoever isn't listening the backpack leash strike one, sitting in the wagon instead of walking on their own strike two, strike 3 if they throw a fit we go home. Many people are against this process, but it is for safety, and unless you would like to walk with me everyday with my kids and help me keep them from running into the street, toward a stranger, or a lake, there is nothing left to say. Its safety, just like a crib is safety, highchair straps, and baby gates.

Today was warm so i took the kids outside to draw with some chalk i found in the closet. Unfortunately the chalk ran out pretty quick, but the kids had fun scribbling on the sidewalks, and just running around in the sunshine. Eeyore along with the kids was covered in chalk dust, along with dirt that they found fun to pick up and sift through their fingers onto their pants while sitting down. I also had them get used to the flipflops they are going to wear in Gary and Nikki's wedding, they weren't bothered by them after i convinced them they were just like my shoes.
I am all for child "leashes" in your situation or in situations where there are a lot of people/busy-ness going on where a parent may easily be distracted. For instance, in an airport; getting tickets, etc., can be difficult to do when also having to keep one eye on a wandering child. It only takes a moment for a child to wander off in a crowd.
I love that picture with layla and bambi :) warms my heart too....
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