The weather has been warm the past few days, minus today when it is barely supposed to reach the 30's with high winds...blah! At least we got out 3-4 times Monday and Tuesday. This weekend is supposed to be sooo warm, Aidan and I are headed to Colorado for his cousin Adrianna's birthday party, and Layla will stay here with Kendall (has to work) and attend a mixed baby shower for a good friend of ours. This will be Layla's second baby shower within a month, she will become quite the baby shower pro, although this one is a little different, since its boys and girls. It should be fun for her to go to a BBQ and Aidan i am sure will enjoy the festivities planned for his cousin turning 3. We always try to rotate which kid goes with who each trip, and since last time they both got to go somewhere, i took Layla, so it is Aidan's turn with me alone :)
Another problem we have had for a wile now is our kids do not like milk EXCEPT once a day, warmed up out of their bottle right after bath time. Any other time, NOOO way! Even if i try to warm it up in a bottle. So finally we have reached our final try, we are worried they are not getting enough calcium, or anything that is great for you in milk, since they get maybe 8oz a day and need 4 times that! Plus their last checkup Layla only grew a quarter of an inch to catch up to Aidan who hadn't grown at all!! So i finally broke down and gave them chocolate milk, i mix it myself with sugar free hershey's syrup, and i know Quik has calcium fortified chocolate powder too out there? Anyway, we figure if we get them loving that, we are gradually going to put less and less chocolate in until...hopefully Waaalaaa they love milk. We will far the chocolate milk is a hit. They still get their vitamins and my kids don't get much sugar anyway so i am not too worried about that aspect, heck they are still working on their EASTER candy from a month ago, haha, glad they can't beg for it yet.
Adrianna loves those temp tattoos too. Ever since we got one at a restaurant probably a year or more ago. To put it on, since it has to be wet, Greg would drip water on it from his drink using his straw. Now, when we go to restaurants Adrianna always wants to give US tattoos and drips water on our arms. Just doing the water drip is enough and she calls it her tattoo. hehe. :-)
There is calcium in yogart, you could try giving them more of that too. Does their daily vitamin tablet have calcium?
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