Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Swing! Swing!

The kids swinging, Kendall too if you look, my camera ran out of batteries before i could get all three!
Aidan making a goofy face as he swings up close to me!

Layla smiling as she swings away from me:)

Layla and Aidan playing in the sand...they liked it Layla too considering grass is still a little weird for her.

The kids, Kendall, and i all went back to a park near here where they have these swings for little kids, Layla and Aidan LOVE them! We then walked over to another park about 10 blocks down from this one, and went on a slide, and played in the sand. They also enjoyed picking up a handfull of sand and dropping it slowly on themselves...haha they didn't eat any though, thanks to having their pacifiers in their mouth the whole time! haha! I also bought them the coolest pool set, it has a bigger pool and a smaller pool within that, a slide, a girafe to throw rings on, a lion that shoots out balls, a snake, and a palm tree that sprouts water...looks pretty fun haha! Were ready too for that first crawling experience, their Nana bought them a baby gate to keep them from leaving the room.

1 comment:

janis said...

You can tell they sure love the swings!! Aidans goofy face is priceless!!