Thursday, October 14, 2004

People Are Strange ~ The Doors

HumpDay(middle of the week so its all down hill-explain for you perverted people that would think otherwise-mom,amber,karen.....) Anyway, i woke up to Norman swashing around wanting to be fed. I swear that fish never shuts up always wants to talk about something. After my morning shower, I went to rustle up some breakfast. Disappointed that I only had a handful of cocoa pebbles which were stale, I figured that had to do and ate it anyway. As I was consuming the last hard flakes, I heard a crash and what sounded like the hair dryer in the bathroom. Startled because I hadn’t even used the hairdryer since my last shower which was about a month ago, I ran to investigate, first telling Norman to not be a feared and stay put. Peering in the bathroom, sure enough the hairdryer was on as suspected. I replaced it to its normal spot on the cluttered counter and searched every nook and cranny in the apartment to make sure Casper was gone. I continued to class, missing out on seeing Keltman today. I continued to the rest of my classes, not even once being troubled by Brutus. I headed back to mi casa to find me something to eat. Thanks to Karen buying the ingredients and dad teaching me these wonderful meals, I had a salsa role. I headed to go purchase a sweatshirt that Derek wanted me to pick up for a friend, and well, come to find out Cindy is out of money, hopefully it’s the banks problem and I can get reimbursed!! After this dilemma and heartbreak I attended a review for my dope class. Not getting much out of that I had to make my own review and I still need to continue studying for this class, but this computer distracted me along with the presidential debate before that. It was the last one I had to see. Any who that’s my day that’s my night, hope I didn’t send you into a fright! And to ALL a GOODNIGHT!

1 comment:

Karen and Zach said...

you are a nerd