Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Untitled ~Fuel

Today I awoke to sirens in my ear. Rolling over o groan and turn my phone alarm off. Another Tuesday. Climbing out of bed, I dink around the apartment, that is until Norman starts “O-ing” the words “O-you O-haven’t O-printed O-out O-your O-dope” DANG IT! I so put on a pair of pants that hadn’t fully dried, o goody for me. Ran out to get to the computer lab and print out 30cents worth of paper. Stupid charging printer lab place! On my way out of my first class, I ran into Brutus. He seemed to be minding his own business, that is only because he had a nut in his mouth and couldn’t hiss at me. I smiled stepped over his fluffy tail and headed to class. I had troubles staying awake through my dope class, I guess it was the talk on depressants that made me sleepy, weird. I ran home to watch Blondie with Karen, and continue studying for my vocab quiz tomorrow, that is what I am still doing, there are about 50 words in Spanish I don’t know and need to by manana. Oh well, that’s life I guess. Midterm grades are due in wed-nes-day so I can check them online hopefully by Sunday Monday. Right now I am watching the lady who I swear lives in the union here. Its open all the time and she is here whenever I am, and even if im walking through, I am trying to gain confidence in asking where she sleeps and if there is room for me next year, could really save me some $$. My donation went well today, no machines whacking out, and the needle stayed in my arm the whole time. Thank goodness. I have a chance to win a flat screen tv Thursday and next week if I donate twice, a foosball table, now that would be fun. Well, sorry im not as interesting as ‘ol tico, or 4 dachshunds, or just as interesting as Karen relieving stress for a week now. Haha. Bye people!


janis said...

dats funny tendy bout living with the union lady!! hehe who am i aant who am i aant

janis said...

hey if you need somewhere to store that flat screen tv...we have lots of room here and we will take good care of it!

janis said...

i am glad YOU love me! someone doesn't care enough to ever comment on my blog (we wont mention any names but weiners comes to mind)