Wednesday, February 28, 2007
New Dress and Go Nuggets!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Love My Babies!
Baby Shower!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
BBQ's, Shots, and now Fevers.

After the BBQ the kids got 4 shots, and one oral vaccination. One of the shots was a flu shot. Of course they both teared up and cried from the shots, two in each leg, OUCH! Layla anticipated the shots as soon as she saw the needles and began to cry. The rest of the checkup went well, the Dr. is really impressed at how fast they are catching up, and for weight they are right on the average curve, which is great for premature twins to be at 6 months! He said everything looks "perfect" awwww relief.
Today Layla woke up with a fever of 100.7, which worried me, i know the vaccinations can cause a fever, but i am also worried about the cold she has had for a week and a half. So keeping an eye on her is the best we can do, with plenty of fluids, later we are gonig to run to the store to get infant motrin, since the tylenol hasn't worked today bringing her fever done. Right now we are all hanging out on our bed, watching TV. The kids are having fun rolling around and kicking on the bed.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Stats Counter
Well, if you notice i have placed a counter on my blog, just to see how many viewers or surfers i get. It is pretty interesting that some cities im like oh that must be so and so, but others how neat, i have people looking from Wyoming, Nebraska, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota,Pennsylavania, Arizona, and the most interesting, Canada, China, and England. Of these i can see how long that particular person stayed, so i really know if they are just surfing or actually reading about my obsessed life with my babies :) hehe
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Bubbles Bubbles BUBBLES!!!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Living Will
Kendall and I have talked about creating a living will many times since having Aidan and Layla, and their future if anything were to unexpectingly happen. I have had it weighing on my mind a lot more lately, just i guess because i worry so much. Anyway, I talked to my Death and Dying Psychology professor and he has some forms, and different ways to write one out in order to be sure we achieve the goals we want. He also is going to bring along with those forms in the next couple of weeks information on places nearby that are affordable, and a lot of help in writing them out. I think it is very important for anybody who has children to write out a living will, even if they get outdated it is something that people can go by and have a better understanding of our wishes, even if it is just on a napkin!
Aidan and Layla enjoying tummy time together!
Give Me Your Pacifier!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Dr. Says....Were Doing GREAT!
Well, what can i say we are good parents? :D The Dr.'s suggestions were pretty much EVERYTHING we are already doing, saline nose drops? We Doing that. Slant them up to sleep? Were doing that, Swing. Watching their temperature? Yup. Plenty of fluids? Got it! Tylenol? Always on hand! Sucking the nose? Oh i never forget! Humidifier? Always on. Well, sounds like everything we are doing is PERFECT! The only thing is she called in a prescription of cough syrup for if their nightly cough attacks are keeping them up still, aww the one thing we couldnt do on our own:) Their lungs? Sound GREAT, no flem, their ears are fine we just need to continue watching for any ear tugging which might indicate an ear infection. Aww SO relieving, it reminds me of a fullhouse episode when Jesse and Rebecca's twins have their first cold, and they called the Dr. and everything he had to say they were doing....Yes, I love my kids, and i guess mother/fatherly instincts really got us through, of course a big THANKS to our parents who kept good care of us when we were little and pounded in to our heads "what is best" :D
Morning Book Time
Every morning before the babes can play(atleast when I am not at class) I sit with them and we all read a book together. They only have a handful of books right now short enough to keep their attention, but i don't think they are becoming hibituated by any of them yet. Hehe. Nikki caught me this morning reading to the little babes and took a quick picture on her way out the door.
Both are still sick, and they are starting to have more flem sound to their coughs so we all are headed to the Dr.s this afternoon, their 1st choice peditrician isn't in today, but their other one(yes they are deserving of 2 pediatricians) can get us in, she was on maternity leave the past couple months so we havnt been able to even stop by and say hi during their checkups. (The other Doctors at the clinic have never seen them so i avoid them all together). I have many questions and have them written down so i dont forget, I just hope this nasty bug clears up before Wednesday because Aidan has his Physical Development checkup and both of them have an appointment at WIC. If not ill just move it all to another day. Also on Friday they get their 6M shots, and i am pretty sure they would want them healthy, especially since they make them feel crummy, dont want to make them feel any worse than i have to!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Roll Baby and Future Rocker!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Layla/Aidan VS Hacking Cough- Day3
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Layla/Aidan vs Bug Day 2!
The cold is still lingering today, it seems to have gotten a little worse in the sense of their little noses are so congested! They haven't had a real fever yet, nothing over 99.5, so we just keep an eye on that, have the tylenol out because i can tell they are not feeling too well, but they still manage to give me little smiles and play! Such sweet babes! For their congestion i have had 2 humidifiers going, the warm one in their room and the cool one i am going to move in the living room why we are up. I also have been squirting saline drops up their little noses and sucking the boogers like crazy, everytime little bear sneezes boogers fly....yes EWWWWWW, ill spare you a picture. Their coughs are still there but the tylenol+cough has helped that also. Poor babes, i just want to rock them all day on my lap and tell them they will be alright very soon! Laurel is working for me at my afternoon job at the foundation house so that works out so i can stay here a little longer before going to work at the call center all evening!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Boogers, Sneezes, and Coughs
Last night Layla and Aidan kept Kendall and i up all night trying to comfort them. They are not feeling well, and well it looks as though they shared their sick germs with me also, so that is 3 of us who are cranky! I litterely watched the clock tick by from 1:13am on through till i had to leave for class at 9. Kendall i know did the same. Both babes have runny noses, coughs(Aidan more than Layla) and sneezes(Layla more than Aidan). Poor little things, i am just letting them lounge in their sleepers today, because i know when i am sick i enjoy PJs a lot better than regular clothes. I am going to pick up more tylenol with cough supressers in it, and also some baby vitamins. Layla hung out in the bathroom with me today as i took a shower, i am hoping that the steam acted like one big humidifier for her, since Aidan was napping, maybe Kendall can do the same with Aidan so he can get some of the steam too. I guess the bright side of things is they have their colds at the same time and not one right after the other.
Monday, February 12, 2007
6 Months ALREADY!
Layla and Aidan 6 months old!
Layla and Aidan a few days old.
Well Layla and Aidan have reached the halfway mark to their birthday, 6 months old yesterday, oh man! They are getting soooo big! It is hard to believe they have more than tripled their weight since their birth, they were so tiny! They are developing great now, and although they are playing "catch-up" still, however, they aren't too far behind, the developmental physical therapist says they are growing perfectly, and great for twins, and that we couldnt be doing a better job! Also their Dr. always raves how quickly they are catching up, encouraging since they were a month early!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Christmas Cont.....
Christmas In February
Friday, February 09, 2007
Grey's Anatomy
All i have to say is OMYGOODNESS!!!!!!! This show is AS INTENSE AS LOST, and 2 nights in the row, i have almost had a heartattack!! AW!
6 Month Recap of Babies
2208 Diapers: $406
46 cans of formula: $1,150
3680 Wet Wipes: $74
8 boxes of Cereals: $32
Lotions,bubbles bath, powder:$45
Grand total: $1707
6 month old twins: Priceless
46 cans of formula: $1,150
3680 Wet Wipes: $74
8 boxes of Cereals: $32
Lotions,bubbles bath, powder:$45
Grand total: $1707
6 month old twins: Priceless
That Camera is ALWAYS in my Face!
Foot, Toy, GOT IT!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
LOST is back!
After 3 months of no Lost, it aired again for the first time this year, with the beginning episode of 12 more. I as always was on the edge of my seat, muttering phrases such as "omigoodness" "NoWAy!""oooooh that explains a little more" and Waaaaaiiit a minute, but i thought..." Although their are many other phrases, all these are muttered to myself, for i am the only person in my household that watches Lost, the only person near me that i have to talk "lost talk" with is Emily, and Amber, i wish their was more, i have tried my hardest to hook Kendall but he's too far behind and too much to catch up on so i usually watch on my own time. ANYWAY, again as every Lost episode does, they answer a few questions that linger in ones head, such as who REALLY is Alex, the girl sent away from the colony of the "others", but then their answers lead to even MORE questions to be answered which just build and build leaving me going crazy for the next episode counting down the days and waking hours to which i have to wait to get one step closer to the whole explaination of the others, why the plane crashed and why the heck everybody is there, and oh man everybody is connected somehow, AWW, ok sorry for those of you who don't watch Lost and think my rambling on is completely insane like behavior. But those of you who DO watch lost, you are probably wondering also how is Alex really the daughter of the head Other, and then the question of where Danielle, the crazy french lady comes in, isn't alex hers who was stolen years ago? Im glad it is starting to tell The Others stories though, Juliet is explained more, are they really letting her go home? ok im done.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A Day with Layla and Aidan
830-930AM-- Babes wake up. (Finally Kendall is tired of getting up to give the kids a pacifer, i am usually gone by this time at class or at the gym depending the day)
9:30ishAM--Breakfest is served, a nice hardy helping of rice cereal mixed with formula and a little juice to add some sweetness. Then they relax with some spongebob till their tummies are settled.
10:30AM--Babes tummies have settled-1 Book read(if im home) and then they can play in their play center saucer thingys.
12-1PM--Babes are put down for a nap somewhere between this time frame, they nap in their swings, just because i feel it is a nice fun time for them. haha.
2:00ishPM-- Lunch time, Babes now enjoy a nice bowl of mixed grain cereal, also mixed with formula and a little juice for sweetness. They then have to wait a little bit and then are played with, either in their saucer, or walked around the house, play on a blanket, or enjoy looking out the window at students walking by.
3:30-4:00--Put down for another nap somewhere around this time, they usually wake up right before i go to work at 5 if it is a week night.
6:00ish--Dinner time, served a nice bowl full of oatmeal, mixed the same as the others.
630-945--Playtime, power naps, and fun with us big people(i work till 9 except weekends so not so much me:( )
9:45- BATHTIME! Kids are washed, dried, powdered, lotioned, swaddled, and given a bottle before bedtime.
awww bliss for us to relax and well ok, not relax just work on the homework from classes, and do our online classes before assignments are due at midnight.
(This is a typical day on average, remember that i may not know what goes on when Kendall is here and i am at work and class...hehe.)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Mushy Snow!
Today it is well above 40 degrees, and we all here are breaking out the spring clothes, it is waaaarmmm! :D A whole lot better than teens and - degrees as we have had for the past month! Our heat bill reflects this at 217$ for last month, with an average of 15degrees, that really SUCKS! Anyway, Laylabear and Aidanbuckaroo went outside with me today to get their first real look and feel of snow. They weren't too enthused. Here are some pictures.
Layla getting a chance to have some fresh air!Think her tongue is out because she wants to eat the snow, silly girl!
Aidan staring at all that white stuff....He is probably wondering why the heck he cant roll in it!
Aidan and me, aren't we such a cute pair? I love my little man!
Ms. Layla and me, aren't we such pretty gals? :D haha, all the snow is melting so now the streets and sidewalks are about 3 inches of slush and flowing water, GREAT to walk in let me tell you!
Well, as everybody HAS to know, the Colts won, yes they whooped the Bears and i cannot be any happier(sorry for you bears understand, a fan has to be happy when their team WINS!). Kendall and Gary had a seat at Lovejoys throughout the game, so that left me with the kids to hangout and watch the game, i was cool with that because i would have rather been in the safety of my own home if they wouldve lost, which they DIDNT! Anyway, Nikki stayed around to watch, and i also had my neighbor friends stop by too, Laurel and Craig. It was nice to just hang out and even though Layla and Aidan couldn't stay awake the whole superbowl, they did their best. haha they were their for the end thats all that matters! During the game, i did something that i usually yell at the boys for, yell at the TV when excited, there is nothing wrong with this EXCEPT when Aidan is in the room, for some reason enthusiastic sports yelling petrifies him and scares the little guy, and when somebody yells, his eyes get HUGE, then his little face wrinkles up, and he lets out a horrible little scream and begins to cry. This brings us all to him going "nooooo" "its ok" "shhhh" "awww" "soooorrry bucko!!" Well, yesterday, i am the guilty one, i am the one that got to excited and therefor Aidan let me know with his scream. He usually settles down after a few seconds but it is the saddest little thing to witness, and worse when i was the one to begin it! On a very good note, Kendall just walked in to show me that he got a 100% on one of his tests, WHEW i cannot say i have done that in college! :D
( i liked the animals commercials, the gorrillas, the crabs, and the lions, and the dog for budwieser...hehe if you remember those you know what i am talking about)
( i liked the animals commercials, the gorrillas, the crabs, and the lions, and the dog for budwieser...hehe if you remember those you know what i am talking about)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Super Layla?
Teddy Bear Club!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Groundhogs Day
Well, it seems as though Mr. Groundhog did not see his shadow, meaning that their may be an early spring. somehow i want to wave the bs flag at the little guy when i look outside and see a remaining 2 feet of snow still on the ground, which has remained there since before Christmas since it has not risen over 32 degrees since that time, and we keep getting snowstorms weekly. I also find it hard to believe Mr. Groundhog because right now with the windchill it is -7 degrees, warmest its been all day yes, however last night they recorded it as low as -36 degrees. Oh i wish i could see spring, its my favorite season, i just have the feeling it may be until June before the snow stops and melts. sighhh, till then, enjoy the beauty of the white powder and fill up on hot chocolate! :D On a happier note, i lost 3 pounds this week,(outside the ordinary Fluctuation of 3 pounds daily). I guess eating better and working out 3x a week really pays off!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
mmm Watcha Eating?
Hmmm, what are those things?
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