830-930AM-- Babes wake up. (Finally Kendall is tired of getting up to give the kids a pacifer, i am usually gone by this time at class or at the gym depending the day)
9:30ishAM--Breakfest is served, a nice hardy helping of rice cereal mixed with formula and a little juice to add some sweetness. Then they relax with some spongebob till their tummies are settled.
10:30AM--Babes tummies have settled-1 Book read(if im home) and then they can play in their play center saucer thingys.
12-1PM--Babes are put down for a nap somewhere between this time frame, they nap in their swings, just because i feel it is a nice fun time for them. haha.
2:00ishPM-- Lunch time, Babes now enjoy a nice bowl of mixed grain cereal, also mixed with formula and a little juice for sweetness. They then have to wait a little bit and then are played with, either in their saucer, or walked around the house, play on a blanket, or enjoy looking out the window at students walking by.
3:30-4:00--Put down for another nap somewhere around this time, they usually wake up right before i go to work at 5 if it is a week night.
6:00ish--Dinner time, served a nice bowl full of oatmeal, mixed the same as the others.
630-945--Playtime, power naps, and fun with us big people(i work till 9 except weekends so not so much me:( )
9:45- BATHTIME! Kids are washed, dried, powdered, lotioned, swaddled, and given a bottle before bedtime.
awww bliss for us to relax and well ok, not relax just work on the homework from classes, and do our online classes before assignments are due at midnight.
(This is a typical day on average, remember that i may not know what goes on when Kendall is here and i am at work and class...hehe.)
1 comment:
Babies are a full time job thats for sure! but you and Kendall are doing it very well! I am impressed with your routine.
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