Monday, February 12, 2007

6 Months ALREADY!

Layla and Aidan 6 months old!

Layla and Aidan a few days old.

Well Layla and Aidan have reached the halfway mark to their birthday, 6 months old yesterday, oh man! They are getting soooo big! It is hard to believe they have more than tripled their weight since their birth, they were so tiny! They are developing great now, and although they are playing "catch-up" still, however, they aren't too far behind, the developmental physical therapist says they are growing perfectly, and great for twins, and that we couldnt be doing a better job! Also their Dr. always raves how quickly they are catching up, encouraging since they were a month early!

1 comment:

janis said...

They are growing so fast and I agree with the developmental physical therapist, you guys are doing a great job!