Tuesday- After work today i was driving home and right as i was turning the first turn, i hear this loud "knock bang ching!" sound underneath my car, "What the......?" so i flip a Uturn and go back, and there in the road is lying a wrench, and then look 2 more....baffled i pull over and start to wonder if i had placed them on top of my car and forgotten them there, but no i havnt touched a wrench since my last oil change in october. Needless to say i picked up the wrenches and now i have 3 wrenches.
Last night was a lot of fun, straight from work i went with Leo to cheyenne to catch dinner and a movie. It was so great catching up again, since he has been in Korea close to 8 months and then basic before that i havnt been able to hang out with him, we talk on the phone about once a week but it just isnt the same! He leaves for Korea again at the beginning of next month so kinda sad again. We laughed so hard at the movie "the ringer", go see it it is hilarious! I guess i just like my comidies!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday-Saturday- Well, With plenty of "well maybe i should" and "maybe i shouldnt's" i finally jumped in the car thursday night around 5ish and headed toward oogallala to pay Kendall a visit. I just had to take the 3 hours to say merry christmas and such. I had plenty of fun and got to meet and hang out with a few of Kendalls friends along with his family. Funny story, i guess i called Kendall out of the norm earlier in the week, and he and his mom thought it was so unusual, that Kendall convinced himself that i was coming, he straightened up the house and the whole time he swore to Gina "Cindy always trys and suprises me but always gives it away...." well i had no idea he thought i was coming and well i wasn't planning on it i just called him that day to say hello because i was bored at work. Well, needless to say i never showed up till 2 days later and i truelly suprised him, and his family :D It was fun because usually i do give it away.
I came home this morning because i had left with the promise to mama and papa "ill be home for christmas". Now we are all settled around the tv watching "It's a wonderful life". Thats just an overview of what i have been up to. Merry Christmas!!
I came home this morning because i had left with the promise to mama and papa "ill be home for christmas". Now we are all settled around the tv watching "It's a wonderful life". Thats just an overview of what i have been up to. Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Christmas Party
Friday- Finals being officially over, and everybody getting ready to leave, Emily, Gina, and I decided to plan a Christmas party...but not at our houses of course not, so we just chose Kendall, Caleb, Bonck, and Karl's house, why not? Everybody knows were it is. Thursday evening EMily and i spent 2 hours in Walmart finding every crazy under a dollar nick nack we could for a game we made up to play at our Christmas Party...we went around and got embarrasing stories from the different people there, listed their names and had everybody guess for a prize who's embarrasing story it was .
The party was a lot of fun, it was "dress to impress" whatever that was i guess whatever we felt was impressive. We had hot cidar and hot cocoa to serve to everybody, and also baked cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzals and had different dips. I was excited it was the first christmas party i have really ever planned and everybo
dy enjoyed
Here is Kendall as im guessing Robin hood and Karl as Santa, dont ask me HOW this is impressive but they felt it was so ooook :D The other picture is Stephy, Me, and Gina(Kendalls baby sister) of course my tongue is out, suprise suprise!
The party was a lot of fun, it was "dress to impress" whatever that was i guess whatever we felt was impressive. We had hot cidar and hot cocoa to serve to everybody, and also baked cupcakes, chocolate covered pretzals and had different dips. I was excited it was the first christmas party i have really ever planned and everybo

Here is Kendall as im guessing Robin hood and Karl as Santa, dont ask me HOW this is impressive but they felt it was so ooook :D The other picture is Stephy, Me, and Gina(Kendalls baby sister) of course my tongue is out, suprise suprise!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Tongue Problem
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Big Horn Sheep

Always when driving through the sybille canyon on highway 34 you should expect to see widlife...yes ofcourse in sybille habitats, but actual ones that arenot in captivity, such as in the past few drives i have seen coyotes, foxes, heard of elk, plenty of deer, antelope and now the big horn sheep pack, which consists of 4 females following their ram. I captured a picture of a female, however, the ram is just to the left out of the picture and was closer but put his head down so i couldn't get a good picture. This little heard comes through this part of the canyon each winter, coming down from the hills to find food i think. i just think it is cute watching people at syblle taking pictures through the fence, when right around the corner their is wild ones crossing the road. They do not move for horns or nething, you have to wait your turn.
Mom Vs. Britney
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Wednesday- well nothing new, work, tests, school, and making time for friends. I decided though, soon i want to write abook. yup, i have been pondering it for a couple years now, i just need to sit down and start. thats all ive gotten on that. Yup.
Friday, October 07, 2005
One Kitten Two Kittens.

Friday- Well today Lola was brought a companion, i think his name is Snowy? im not sure i just got here and there he was atop my bed, resting peacefully, before the spawn of satan...AKA Lola got him rowled up and now they have been tumbling, turning, and chasing eachother all over the room. Better than my legs and face which Lola previously has played with. Here are the two getting to know eachother.
Lola is the grey and black stripped/spotted one, her new companion is bigger than her. Hard to believe Lola has grown 2x larger since we got her!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Blogs Hate Me

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Get it OUT
Wed-nes-day- Yea im still alive, i am back at college and right now i have throbbing pain in my jaw from my infected wisdom tooth. Yes the tooth that has been growing in for a year and a half now has decided to grow against my cheek and fellow muller, catch food in the lil whole under the skin between the tooth and where it should be, and then let the food rot, and rot and become a nasty taste and upset my gums. OUYee!! worse of all is i cant eat well, im a food splitter, what is that? well its where when i take a bite of things i normally chew half on one side half on the other, im weird i know. Anyway this is preventing me from chewing ANY food on my left side leaving me to just the right side. Mama has been a charm and is getting me appointments to get it out ASAP! RRRR!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
a Clown, a Cowboy, and a Bull
Wednesday- Well, arriving to watch the bullarama i hoped that all the bulls would fend well and one wouldnt get paralyzed in front of a crowd and be euthanized as i saw last year. And yes the bulls fended fine, too fine. I stood down by the actual arena out of the bleachers by all the EMTs so standing by the fence, if a bull hit it, the fence would jump 2 feet toward us. Watching and enjoying my time seeing the bulls buck, and the men fly off, i then gasped in horror!! After bucking off a cowboy, the bull turned a sharp right and clipped one of the clowns knocking him onto the ground...if THAT wasn't enough, the bull continued to headbut and mual the man trying to crawl away. Soon after the bull was distracted and the clown slowly climbed over the corral fence to where i was by the emts. Bruised battered and hurting he managed to go back in and give another go. Whew close call. Till a cowboy was bucked off and OH MY!! his hand was stuck still, so as the bull bucked he was attatched and being trampled, stepped on, and squashed by the hooves of a pissed off bull! if that wasnt bad enough, when he became loose i could hear the crowd sigh in relief along with me, that is till mr bull turned around and saw the man crawling away and headbutted him up and over. OHMAN! Half crawling and being dragged, mr cowboy was taken out of the arena. I tell you what for having 9 EMTS there they sure hussled (biggest sarcasm ever) it was though they were tossing a coin who would have to stop watching the bullarama to go around the arena to get the poor man. Not the assistance i would care to have. Anyway he ended up with some stitches on his face and prolly some nasty bruises.
Well to end the night, the last 3 riders i watched in sheets of rain, and a muddy mess, we got up to 2 inches in some parts of platte county and id bet the fairgrounds got a good peice, it was fun just standing out in the rain soaking wet in the muddy arena watching the rest of wheatland in the stands huddled in one corner...hehe i just played in the puddles and enjoyed the refreshing rain!
Well to end the night, the last 3 riders i watched in sheets of rain, and a muddy mess, we got up to 2 inches in some parts of platte county and id bet the fairgrounds got a good peice, it was fun just standing out in the rain soaking wet in the muddy arena watching the rest of wheatland in the stands huddled in one corner...hehe i just played in the puddles and enjoyed the refreshing rain!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Cat Burglar
Friday-Mowing down in the ditches at work, i come across one ditch with carboard boxes, buckets and other garbage that has flown over there in the wind from overflowing dumpters. i figured hey im lazy im on a tractor im just gonna plow over all this stuff. getting farther im like ok this isnt gonna work to well just spread it around and more i hafta pick up later, so leaving the mower on i jump off the tractor and throw a bucket and pick up the first piece of carboard box laying in front of the tractor next to be plowed, and this black streek runs out from under it, im like ooh its a kitty how cute, then i look down from where she was and there laying on the ground was a small, grey kitten, all curled up. OH MY i almost ran them both over and chopped them up!! so i waved Sean down before covering up the kitten again with its box of a home. I backed out of the ditch and watched to make sure mama kitty came back, i had seen her before and last year one of her kittens had wandered away and jodi took her home, neway she came back, earless and half a tail, i later found out she is about 10-12 years old and is missing half her tail n ears from the cold weather, froze off, shes a tough lil kitty!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Old Chicago
Weekend Update: Have you ever talked about someth
ing you would like to do but the conversation has the word "someday in it" well, i guess that word gets under my skin now, why not today? i mean i know people are
like don't be stupid on the we live once, but in reality we do on this earth, why wait until we are too old to even move then think back...why didn't we? Anyway, i went to see kendall and got to hasting late thursday night, we stayed up talking and somehow he said "someday i want to take you on the ferris wheel in chicago, its beautiful." LETS G
O! i blurted out, what was i saying chicago is like 9 hours away! but yup we took a nap and 7 the next morning we hit the road. The ferriss wheel was so tall and had an amazing view of the city of chicago and all of its lights!! i also suggested gettin g chicago deep dish pizza just cuz we were there. honestly, i felt like it was just us 2 in the world, the whole drive was a fun time, the time there was amazing, and i mean it just made things so exciting, to be able to feel free like that to go anywhere! here are a couple pictures from the trip.... 
i copied mama on putting alot of pictures!! thanks mama for the idea!

i copied mama on putting alot of pictures!! thanks mama for the idea!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
All week i have mentioned to mama that Chloe and Molly must be feeling like Lady off of Lady and the Tramp, when Lady is tied outside when the new baby arrives. This really became a reality when i watch Chloe sit in the window for hours looking outside with the look "when are they coming back? what did we do wrong with that potatoe they are always carrying around and attending to?" Also we have noticed that after awile the 2 rejected pups, left behind being replaced by a baby will go in the back room and curl up in their kennels, as to say, "please bring us home....what did we do wrong? give us a chance we wont hurt the potatoe!" Just a small thought remembering that Lady ran away with the Tramp...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Rotten Food
This weekend i discovered the most rank, fowl, tear jerking, dry heaving, gagging, stank of food... let me tell you what, my wisdom tooth has been hurting for a couple months off and on, and this weekend i was playing with the lump of skin still on top of it, i was wondering why it hadnt poked through in the back, when all of a sudden my tongue popped out a discovery of its own that had nested in a huge hole next to my wisdom tooth....a piece of old rotting food that had been logged down there for who knows long! IT WAS THE WORTH TASTE EVER!
Blown Away
Weekend Summup: Well....after being pelted by the cars tire that just blown out in front of me, i made it safely to oogalala to go camping with kendall our friends and his family. It ws a blast, sept the 4 straight days of sand sand sand and 2 nights of holding down our tents so they didnt blow awat...one didnt do so shabby and shattered 2 pulls and ripped...however other people didnt fair to well, as we watched their tents blow across the water on the lake like a big beach ball! otherthan that things went lovely, in the mornings after the storms id wake up kendall way early and go swimming and scroung the beaches for peoples stuff that blew away or that they had left during the night in there haste to leave. we got a neat beach umbrella, a hatchet, and a nice door mat for our tent hehe. Anyway it was so much fun and i am pretty excited that 4 days of being dirty and wind blown and sand blasted, i wasnt sick of kendalls company :D
Monday, June 20, 2005
Tight Squeeze
Monday- While having our regular mowing relays today(this is where we mow a circle then a new person gets on to continue) i saw a mama dear near a fence acting funny, oh man i thought, theres a baby near i better watch where im mowing so its not all chopped up! just as that thought had finished, i saw the baby deer, there stuck inbetween the poles that hinge to open a gate entrance. Her poor lil back hips seemed to be stuck pretty good, and she wasn't about to back out. Seeing mama deer on the other side of the fence, i knew she couldnt come over and topple me, so i yelled to sean and we ran over there, right out of the reach of her small lil hoofs swinging in the air at me, we began to push on the gate as best we could, being locked its not like we could open it. The lil baby cried and cried as mama deer jumped around and ran up and down the fence.finally she broke free and ran along the fence trying to jump through it to her mama, all is well now. Guess thats one of those experiences you dont get to have everyday!
After work every monday and wednesday, tori and i are going to try and stay after work and workout a bit, today we finally got around to it, and went for an hour, starting with a mile run on the treadmills then just the equipment they had and dumbells. after that we took a cool down half a mile jog and now im feeling pretty good about this :D Hopefully i can keep up with it the rest of the summer, since i have someone to go to, and throughout the school year since tori is a roommate of mine.
After work every monday and wednesday, tori and i are going to try and stay after work and workout a bit, today we finally got around to it, and went for an hour, starting with a mile run on the treadmills then just the equipment they had and dumbells. after that we took a cool down half a mile jog and now im feeling pretty good about this :D Hopefully i can keep up with it the rest of the summer, since i have someone to go to, and throughout the school year since tori is a roommate of mine.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Saturdays Gone
Saturday- It all began at 700am when in dead sleep i heard this awful sound..."what the heck is that" i was thinken then realized it was tango music coming from me phone. Being Tori, i answered it and headed to get ready for the chugwater chili cookoff 3 on 3 basketball tournament to watch some of our guy friends play. After that couple of us headed toa campsite at guesney reseviour and i do say i enjoyed a good day of jet skiing, tubing, and just being thrown off the both of those in the water. it felt good in the 90 degree weather, and im starting to fill in the whiteness between my lovely basin tan lines. Was a good day, kept me occupied...now im just excited for next weekend, elitches (get to see kendall YES chris WHOO n my emily YAY!) then after that weekend, basin picnic...whoowhoo cant wait!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Karen's Rehearsal Dinner
To start my mobile on the go blog... I thought id start with my most recent picture on my phone...this is Karen enjoying her last dinner as a Yergler. Such a precious picture!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Hidden Treasure
Friday-Looking through the cupboards, just glancing around for who knows why, i open one i dont see into often....then there it was, the shinning light spraying out from around it, the soft "awwwwww" in the background. there it was...a bag of hidden twizzlers! what a find
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Thursday- Well to vent...monday i went to common cents to fill the car up for work, since it said 207 on the sign im like heh better than newhere else in wheatland. As i was filling i glanced at the pump itself, it was charging me for 209. me being the penny pinchter i am, well, ill have to mention i want 207. the store was pretty crowed and i finally got to my turn, i asked, well i still get 207? and she is like yes ill give u a refund, so i gave her 26 dollars for the 2582 amount it was...she gave me back 24 cents..so again im like, i thought i got the 207 price? she snapped, i gave u the descount thats it, again im like no u didnt the pumps price is the same as u just told me, so she got all snippy and again explained its a computer glitch i gave u a refund!! by this time people are just looking at me like im a retard and some obnoxious costumer, seeing a line i finally go fine can i have my receit then...grabbing it with a huffy sigh she handed to me. going to my car i got out my calculater...she gave me 24cents back and my regular change should have been 18 anyway for a 109 price (26-2582) so im like this isnt right i know i need more back and she was there embarrassing me. so again i pulled around, waited for the line and again said u were really rude to me, if u were worred about a line i wouldve moved to wait...but now u still owe me some money. she is like no i gave u that price, its a computer glitch blahblah.. im like right here it says u owe me 18 cents more u gave me 24 cents total. she is like i gave u 24cents in refund! i showed her what i saw on my receit and she grabbed it talked to me in that tone like im some stupid kid and scribbled numbers on it like THAT was supposed to make me go ok your right. finally i said i would talk to a supervisor later and walked out in tears. i got home and showed dad and indeed she had shorted me the regular change of 18 cents before the discount. he called and she finally realized i was right of course since dad was on her butt about it...he called the cops to report shortchanging me, and that this "computer error" was going on for 2 days, meaning that all credit card users that didnt go inside for there refund were being "robbed" of that, not to mention the business it took from conoco across the street. i know it was 18 cents but to be embarrased twice by a rude cashier when you are right, it is enough to ruin a persons night. heh there i updated with venting!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
1st and 4th
Wednesday- We all sat at the edge of our seats, awaiting the results after 2 long hours of delaying it...The new American Idol of 2005 is...Carrie Underwood!!! All 7 of us yelled, the girl who we fell in love with at her addition 5 months ago has won the contest!! I am pleased now, Kelly and Carrie were the only American Idols who i felt deserved the title.
Enough with that, today big boss man scary gary was gone, naw he isnt bad at all however when he is away we will play, in the sprinklers that is...fixing all the broken ones was an alright job for the day. After yesterday when it seemed gary was trying to be apart of our lil group and be young again, joking laughing and chuckling, oh man, there for awile using the grinder with 2 hands and having a cigarette out of the corner of his mouth, it was hard to not laugh at that! I learned that i am good at witching, yes this is true, u can get to pieces of steel, hold them loosly straight ahead of you and when your above water or somethen buried they turn in your hand toward eachother...AMAZING =D
This weekend i am pretty excited, im taking a trip to oogallala to see kendall and his family, it will be a fun time! 3 day weekend so i can take it easy on monday, not bad not bad! Later All
Enough with that, today big boss man scary gary was gone, naw he isnt bad at all however when he is away we will play, in the sprinklers that is...fixing all the broken ones was an alright job for the day. After yesterday when it seemed gary was trying to be apart of our lil group and be young again, joking laughing and chuckling, oh man, there for awile using the grinder with 2 hands and having a cigarette out of the corner of his mouth, it was hard to not laugh at that! I learned that i am good at witching, yes this is true, u can get to pieces of steel, hold them loosly straight ahead of you and when your above water or somethen buried they turn in your hand toward eachother...AMAZING =D
This weekend i am pretty excited, im taking a trip to oogallala to see kendall and his family, it will be a fun time! 3 day weekend so i can take it easy on monday, not bad not bad! Later All
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Saturday- It was a friday night, i was dancing to the tengo ring in the shower as someone called me...when i got out to call the number back it was mitchy,,one of my best friends who i hadnt talked to(sad we go to the same school) anyway i was pretty excited, so we caught up tonight with the years news, over dinner and a movie, his treat. it was nice seeing him again i missed him. We went to apple bees and then House Of Wax, and now my fear of my achelies being cut is even more so...good movie though we both wanted to see it cuz of paris hilton, i love her! Anyway, i also was treated to a movie last night by my lifelong friend leopold(Jared) we went to paciphier, very cute movie indeed.
Im now just waiting for next friday to come along, i get to drive and see my kendall in oogallala for the weekend, pretty neat got my outfits picked out n everything i dont get to look nice very often cuz of work now im too tired and smelly, so then ill have 2 reasons to look good, no work and for kendall!! be a change since he is just use to me n my loungen wear!
And a specail shout out to amber and daddy since they are the ones that hound me the most to update! later all!
Im now just waiting for next friday to come along, i get to drive and see my kendall in oogallala for the weekend, pretty neat got my outfits picked out n everything i dont get to look nice very often cuz of work now im too tired and smelly, so then ill have 2 reasons to look good, no work and for kendall!! be a change since he is just use to me n my loungen wear!
And a specail shout out to amber and daddy since they are the ones that hound me the most to update! later all!
Monday, May 09, 2005
School's Out, Work's Started.
Monday- Well, today i started my first day back at the powerplant, i am so glad i was able to be one of the lucky draws again, the money ill make will all go toward worthwhile spending, such as i am going to have to buckle down and buy a laptop (i can have one at work next fall and type while i work so that will save me time). I also plan on paying my car off or atleast getting VERY close. The last little bit will go toward college books in such, i hopefully will be able to sell my books back online and use some of that money for books.
For just an update on why i havn't been able to update....ive just been plain busy thats all. My last final was wednesday, i finished that at 2 and was on my way to oogallala with Kendall by 3. We had a pre-cinco de mayo dinner with his mom, grandma and sister. I only have his brother (twin) to meet left i think. We spent wed-friday there and headed back meeting mom and dad in cheyenne to pick out some shoes for work since i need some steel toed. Before that though we met our friends Derek and Chris on their way to Pittsburgh(yea straight through drive, crazy boys!). Mom and Dad bought Kendall and I dinner before we headed back to laramie, im really excited that they seem to approve of him for me, this doesn't happen to often as most ya'll know!! He is a sweet boy though, always looking out for me in everyway even if its just walking closer to the street and cars "just in case" . Friday was just a great day for me i have to brag! Kendall woke me up in the morning and we just were able to hang all day, and Friday night we stayed up all night seeing it get dark then light again, i wasn;t even tired, i was just so interested in what he was telling me and we talked about everything possible just really was a good ending to my school year! I packed all of my things(minus things i forgot) in about 2 hours, luckily i didnt have to load, guys are good for that:) i got home saturday night. Sunday was fun to spend with Mama and Karen shopping, we all got something new so it was a successfull day! Sorry if its choppy im just trying to update so the complaints stop =D LAter!
For just an update on why i havn't been able to update....ive just been plain busy thats all. My last final was wednesday, i finished that at 2 and was on my way to oogallala with Kendall by 3. We had a pre-cinco de mayo dinner with his mom, grandma and sister. I only have his brother (twin) to meet left i think. We spent wed-friday there and headed back meeting mom and dad in cheyenne to pick out some shoes for work since i need some steel toed. Before that though we met our friends Derek and Chris on their way to Pittsburgh(yea straight through drive, crazy boys!). Mom and Dad bought Kendall and I dinner before we headed back to laramie, im really excited that they seem to approve of him for me, this doesn't happen to often as most ya'll know!! He is a sweet boy though, always looking out for me in everyway even if its just walking closer to the street and cars "just in case" . Friday was just a great day for me i have to brag! Kendall woke me up in the morning and we just were able to hang all day, and Friday night we stayed up all night seeing it get dark then light again, i wasn;t even tired, i was just so interested in what he was telling me and we talked about everything possible just really was a good ending to my school year! I packed all of my things(minus things i forgot) in about 2 hours, luckily i didnt have to load, guys are good for that:) i got home saturday night. Sunday was fun to spend with Mama and Karen shopping, we all got something new so it was a successfull day! Sorry if its choppy im just trying to update so the complaints stop =D LAter!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
3 Down 1 left!
Tuesday- Well, today marked my third final out of the way, now i am starting to study for the next. I am supposed to donate but i think ill fill out the study questions instead and donate tomorrow morning before my next final and study then. I have been studying constantly, i made Kendall give me a backrub to help me get relaxed(and i just wanted one hehe). Last night we all took a break, so Kendall, Chris, Emily, and I went to Chili's in cheyenne for dinner and i dropped a quick howdy to Ebony, Brian, and Nae(they were dropping off Ebony). Well, i am going to go study for Biology, i need a 75 on this test to get a C, so im aiming higher to guarantee!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Monday: Well, as the town of wheatland yet again is hit with an under 18 death, another one that couldve been prevented. Saturday night marked the 4th HS student from Wheatland to have died in the past year. For a small town this is insanely high and is hitting everybody hard, because the past 3 were car wrecks and ones that couldve most definetly been prevented!! It's just so weird hearing of people dying that i have grown up knowing since i can remember. This last kid was only a freshman, and i remember he road my bus for years, and we always goofed off together. It seems that our community is so hard on cracking down on minor tickets, drinking citations, when what they really need is the drivers ed program a mandatory thing like it is in most schools, a class that has to be taken before you graduate. There needs to be more videos on the local wrecks, hit the students hard emotionally on what is happening to their friends and how they can stop future friends (and themselves) from being inexperienced behind the wheel. This is the first wreck related to alcohol the other 2 were just driving too fast. This is the first death this year, is it going to come in threes like last year? I hope not but strap up drive sanely and stop friends from doing nething stupid! Prom is this weekend and graduation the 22nd, i myself am avoiding driving on saturday nights for awile when im in wheatland, last year all 3 deaths happened on mondays right in a row, im hoping it wont continue on saturdays here!
Friday, April 29, 2005
So i dont update much anymore!
Friday-Well, today i have just been trying to get alot of last minute things done before finals next week ARG! i have all my notes and stuff printed to study, and sunday im studying with Laural for math. I have been sick part of this week, missing my mama taking care of me, however, Kendall stepped up and has been taking my temp., putting cold washclothes on my face and feeding me soup and green tea. its been nice. Today im feeling better havnt had a fever yet, and turns out everybody and there brother have the same thing as me so its not like i could help n neway catching it. Tomorrow we are going to take our chances and head to elitches, they are said to be open, we just wont get to use the water rides i figure. Then i get to buckle down on finishing my english porfolio's for finals, and studying for the 4 finals i have this week. After my last one on wednesday, Kendall and i are headed to oogalala nebreska to stay with his mom for a couple days and to meet his sistah. Then i am coming home on saturday to go to the prom grandmarch, hopefully see haley and be home for mothers day. Work starts the 9th a week from monday ERRR no rest for me!
Oh, whats weird is Shawna made me register for this thing called "facebook.com" its just to meet people and view your friends portfolios online(its for college students) and well turns out, stephanie yergler added me among many other friends, im just lazy and let them find me lol. I just thought it was neat. LAter all
Oh, whats weird is Shawna made me register for this thing called "facebook.com" its just to meet people and view your friends portfolios online(its for college students) and well turns out, stephanie yergler added me among many other friends, im just lazy and let them find me lol. I just thought it was neat. LAter all
Monday, April 18, 2005
Out of -eens into -wenties
Monday- Well today is my birthday and that alone is exciting. but nothing really else is exciting today so i will talk about...SATURDAY. Kendall woke me up at 8am saturday on his way bacy from veadavwoo, i settled with him wearing his pajamas, and we headed toward wheatland. Talken to mama, dropping off some $$ in exchange for some more jugs and smores, i took kendall up to Camp Grace, to see the place that i love so much. I drug him up the mountain, then back down to the cave, which i actually found on my own for a first(havnt been able to find it for a couple years) yet again though we forgot a flashlight, and once i was almost all the way in the cave Kendall goes halling out "did you hear that hissing breathing sound!?!" im like well thankyou for leaving me IN HERE!! lol, so i crawled out (i have just gotten 3 calls and had to leave this lab and run upstairs ERRR). Anyway i crawled out, called smore of down below and tried throwing him in there to check it out first, he looked at me like "u crazy?" and walked away lol. We headed back to camp, dehydrated, so i crossed my fingers hoping that the spring water was still running strong. It was:D Tuck Everlasting, now Kendall is part of living forever! We filled up about 6 milk jugs, and 4 juice jugs of it before heading back home. We also played some horseshoes, and ping pong up there it was great fun just being outside on a warm day and showing off my mountains:) We got home and papa made us a wonderful meal of sloppy joes and excellent chip dip. We then watched a marx brothers(kendall had never seen one) duck soup, the best one on the ship hehe. Anyway we headed home and i fell asleep at my apartment and didnt end up getting up till 9 the next morning, in time to go watch greek week FB and get sunburned a crisp hehe. Anyway, thats all for now, karen got me an awesome boy meets world season 2 dvd, now we get to watch that:D so far daddy, brian, and naked dave(friend from cheyenne) has called me! YAY:D Later ALL
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Wed-nes-day- well i am lazy too karen. anyway i have 5 minutes to class. school has 2 more weeks b4 finals then im done the 6th and start work the 9th so i dont really have much of a break. most importantly- AMBER have your baby the 19th or b4 like planned, then it can share the Aries sign with me. Be a spontanious person:D and more importantly.....THE 18TH IS MONDAY!! DON't NONEYA FORGET!!! :) hehe
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I would like one interesting life please!
Hump-Day- Well, today is the hump of the week, the climax, the middle day of the week whatever. Last night i was just lying around when i was asked to go watch some of my boys at EAE play soccer. Looking at the clock, im like oh man its 8pm you mean right now then huh? No silly at 10pm 2 night! Well, being the supporter and bored procrasternator of homework gal i am i went. Luckily it was indoors, and i just sat around w/ some other people there to support, and mainly make fun of Boncks chicken legs, occasionly yelling go kendall or#0 for derek. That lasted pretty late, so i found myself watching tv at the house w/ caleb while we awaited for krystal to arrive. She took so darn long! hehe. Anyway nothing really interesting happening besides me having a crapton of homework, assignments due, and 3 tests next week. i do not know where to begin so ill prob. procrastinate another day. Anyway lets hope i figure out a career tomorrow, im taking the lovely test and survey thing w/ my advisor, so far though every1 i have talked to says there results are this "you can be anyhting you choose to be" what the heck thats no answer!! Later All
Friday, March 25, 2005
Sign Language
Fry-Day. Well, so far i havnt learned any new signlanguage besides the one finger wave, peace, and party on since becoming deaf in one ear last night. Yes, it did the sound of when you put a hotdog in the microwave and didn't puncture it with a fork. The loud SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL then POP!!! that was the last noise i heard. Anyway, its aight now, still deaf however goes pop pop pop!!! everytime i swallow. Well, i got my class scedule figured out i think, ill be gone alot with that and work in the fall but hey, i gotta learn to manage my time some how. Have a good GOOD FRIDAY!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
11 States and 1 Country Later
Thursday- Well, i am back to wyoming, and just now got into the swing of things, and yes another day off of school, good friday. Anyway where have i been? Spring break. I was planning on staying in laramie, donating plasma and just piddling around there, that was friday night, sunday somehow i ended up on my way to omaha with Emily a friend from college. We stayed there till tuesday then headed another 7 hours to Ralla Missouri. Stayed there till wednesday when that night we looked at eachother and are like, hey wanna go to cali? SERIOUS? ok so we grabbed our bags and left right then. Straight through mapquest guested it would be 26 hours. we did it too! with only one mishap in TX with a guy trying to take our credit card at 2am in the mornin. we made it to san diego by 6 and headed to mexico by 9. it was fun down there, almost getting arrested, all 6 of us. but we made it out aight and headed to LA on friday. Then back to AZ on Saturday then home on Sunday. Crazy driving week but it was a fun road trip, prob. the last carefree stupid crazy think i can do as a teenager. Anyway that was my week, now im trying to catch up on sleep, 2.5 days is to long to go whew still feeling it. LAter
Friday, March 11, 2005
Fry-Day-A goal in my life is to see how uncomfortable i can make strangers feel, and just to see the interesting reactions. Its interesting that when u make relieving moans while on the jon, once you come out of the stall, nobody will give you eyecontact. Im still waiting to meet that one gal who will give me that eye contact. Also, since i hate elevators, why not make every1 else uncomfortable in the elevator with me, by facing toward everybody riding the elevator, and randomely start singing. Again, a few uneasy smiles but no direct eyecontact. The joys of watching people squirm!! Most recently, i have found a new more creative way of making people uncomfortable. Since i ride a shuttlebus to class most everyday, i get the chance to sit by many interesting people. Well, on one of the buses the seats are along the windows, so everybody avoids sitting right next to anybody else inless they absolutely have to. Not me, i go and plop in the seat directly by my next scuirmish victim. It can just be me and one other person riding and i sit RIGHT there, ive actually had a guy move over, when he did this i just turned to him and gave him my best sob look. Thats my life today.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Aight I'll Learn
Wed-Nes-Day- last night during american idol, i got a phone call, saying "hey be here at 8 your playing water polo, wear your suit." well, 15 minutes later i was at EAE heading to half acre to play. Of course i didnt know the game or even have ever watched it, but it was a blast, we had a team short of 3 players but we still did aight. The point was to sit in intertubes, throwing the ball and paddling w/out losing it before throwing it in a goal. it had to be thrown boy girl boy girl...and well that ment iwasnt left out at all considering there was only 2 of us gals hehe it was fun. After that i walked back FREEZING in the snow, i was going to change however i ended up going hottubing at sterling apts. it was fun, huge hottubs crowed with people i knew and just had the snow coming down all around us, but we werent cold since we were in them anyway this is really choppy but i gotta head to work. later!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Valentine's Day: Well, nothing too interesting has happened today, 1st hour i was asked out on a date for tonight by a guy in my class, however i am working tonight, and have a nice ol bf, but stil i dont have ne1 to spend v-day with. i also got to my 3rd class today to find that it has been cancled, i wasn't going to complain. Tonight at work Suzannah and Sara are planning some treats for us having to work on el dia de los enchantamos. (day of the lovers in spanish). That won't be too bad, im supposed to stop at EAE after work tonight however, since there was about 4 hours i didn't spend there from friday till sunday night i may just take a night away from those boys. lol, they joke that im apart of the house now since i practically live there. Close but ill stick to my own bed. Anyway, sorry the update is completely boring.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Hold'em Tournament
ThursDay- As I looked around the table, my poker face on, I gave a stare down to my opponents debating on calling my “all in”. There was 2 threes, a 9 and a 5. I had a 3 in my hand and waited calmly for my opponents to call me. Kendell and the guy across from me called, a good $11+ dollars in the pot. It all came to the river card. The river showed another 3, this leaving a GREAT possibility for full houses. The guy across from me laid his cards down, full house, 9’s full of 3s. Oh Man, the highest full house out there. Kendell showed his pocket queens, beating the other full house. Had I made a mistake going all in? Would I be out of the tournament before even going to the final table? I showed my cards…4 of a kind 3’s. I took them OUT! I continues striking luck most the night, and into the early morning, by 2:00am I was at the last table, last 5 opponents out of a start of 24, 8 at 3 tables. My luck ran out too soon though, I went all in and was beaten by Rob by a high straight. However, I was just enthused to make it this far, top 5 I was pretty proud, so I didn’t win the 90 something dollars. Yes, it was a good poker tournament.
Plans for tonight? Unless I am kidnapped again by my boys, I am going to watch “the notebook” and make Karen stay up and watch it too; she is acting “old like” and is in bed by 9, honestly Karen! Later ‘All
Plans for tonight? Unless I am kidnapped again by my boys, I am going to watch “the notebook” and make Karen stay up and watch it too; she is acting “old like” and is in bed by 9, honestly Karen! Later ‘All
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Kidnapped Before Bed
Wed-NES-Day- Well, today has gone by pretty quick with some sluggishness. I had a test first thing this morning and I wasn't as tired as i thought i would be. Last night after karen bought pizza for our dinner and for american idol snack, i went over to SAE to visit my boys as normal, i got there only to discover they were celebrating "fat tuesday" for those of you who aren't fans, that is the first day of Marti Grae. Anyway, beeds everywhere, however, unfortunetly for them, none of the girls there really cared to "earn" their beads, so no cigar boys hehe. I hung out for awile in the VIP room then as i was leaving around 1045 to go study for my test, as i neared my car Bonk, Kendall, Billy Bob, and Jeff captured me, and stuffed me in their car. Oh goody a roadtrip. I need to thank Dugan for atleast trying to hide me so they wouldnt discover me leaving, didn't work though. Anyway we headed to California Chris's house to hang out somemore, ohh yay, i didnt mind it except in the back of my head was the thought "TESTTEST9AMTESTTEST". I hung out there for awile and close to 12 decided to take lil ol cindy to her car. Luckily in the end i was there to b the DD though (designated driver...THAT MEANS I WASN"T DRINKIN MOM!) so its aight i had fun and i felt i did pretty good on my test, it was all stuff i learned in HS so that was relieving. Later 'All
P.S. I am going to purchase "The Notebook" last night i was in tears at walmart as i looked at the DVD, just thinking of the movie made me cry, and so i went, found me 23$ and im headed there after classes today. This is an AMAZING movie,i only recommend one thing, watch it w/ another lady and have a WHOLE box of tissue. Oh man i cant wait to watch it again! and again! Once again i emphasize, this movie is THE BEST, i tear up seeing the commercials and thinking about it.
P.S. I am going to purchase "The Notebook" last night i was in tears at walmart as i looked at the DVD, just thinking of the movie made me cry, and so i went, found me 23$ and im headed there after classes today. This is an AMAZING movie,i only recommend one thing, watch it w/ another lady and have a WHOLE box of tissue. Oh man i cant wait to watch it again! and again! Once again i emphasize, this movie is THE BEST, i tear up seeing the commercials and thinking about it.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Estudio para los classes, AY!
Thursday: Today is a day i am going to use to study my lil butt off. I have a psychology exam tomorrow morning, so i am hopefully going to be able to go donate today, also giving me time to study there too. I need to catch up on sleep however, doubt that will happen soon. I have a pretty important exam on tuesday night, and another espanol exam on wednesday. I figure the studying will not stop, even if i drop. Zach was here last night, well i guess he still might be till 11ish. Like a leech on your leg those two....Anyway, tonight i am headed over to study with Dugan and another guy from SAE for my psych exam, they are both in my class, and apparantly have made a good study guide to go from, i made my own too so im trying to get a good grade! :D Well, im going to head to the APT. try for a quick nap then ill head to biolife. Adios mis familia y mis amigos!
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Car Wreck
Wed-Nes-Day- From my title i bet ya'll are wondering what i hit with my car. well nothing let me get a chance to even explain! It all started this morning, around 8AM right after karen left. i was trying to get 15 extra minutes of ZZZ's in since i didn't get home till 1 last night(i am a VIP for the VIP room at SAE, yea i helped making the knock to get in, the code, and helped with the logo awww to be cute its so nice) ANYWAY. it was 8 AM, nothing in the apartment stirrith, not even me. Then, a noise from outside, somewhat of a commotion. of course i was tired and rolled over ignoring it, hoping it wasn't karen since she just left, i could see her falling or something. Then i heard it, Norman started bubbling about something. Something that he would NOT shut up about. Finally it was so annoying i got up to look out and see what he was so anxious for me to look at. Yep, there it was, a car wreck right next to the Monte, glass everywhere, cops everywhere, and 2 cars plus 2 pissed of guys. They ended up having to town the one car, which was bashed in the side and the window was shattered, i never saw the front of the other car. From be observing, i mismatched my clothes and was close to being late for class, but dang so interesting watching men chew eachother out and the cop. anyway, i just got off work, i made 200$ well i made the school that much. lol. i missed american idol however so that bothers me. tata. PS mom i can be an orientation leader this summer and tell the students about it if u would like...and its a library planitarium, and lab so just rooms no dark SCARY hallways hehe.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
A Whole 'Nother Campus
Tues-day- Today I stumbled across something amazing! Something that will be most valuable to me throughout the bitter cold weather. Yes, I have discovered an entire underground campus. Do not be concerned, apparently everybody is acquainted with it with the exception of me that is until today. I recently discovered a computer lab in the central point of three large buildings. Above is a huge pathway for students to pass between buildings, however, underneath…a 24 hour lab, a planetarium, and a way to each individual structure surrounding. That is all I have revealed now, it is a good 4 blocks underground of libraries, computers, planetarium etc. I am very pleased that I will now be able to avoid going outside after all my classes to get to the stairs I normally took here; I can go straight from the basement of the classroom building. Yes, what a find.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
All Things Come Back.
Thursday: Well, today has gone by rather quickly . i only had one class to attend, that being espanol 1020, so i got to take a nap afterwards....i was out till 1130 last night hanging flyers for gary and scotts band that is performaning in wheatland tomorrow night. However, i regret that i probably wont be able to make it down to cheer them on...out of gas, and out of money. plus i have plans of watching the rival game of CSU vs UW on saturday. YAY POKES!
I realized today...that i like the sound pigieons make...its so cute! i was watching mr and mrs. p go for there morning peck on the sidewalks at UW. so tame! Anyway. i had another night at work and i have figured it out, people who hang up, well its just a way to get me back for all the people ive hung up on!! plus why would anyone take that to heart? there is a couple girls who get pretty upset about it and im like honestly have u hung up on some1? they go well yea... however there are nice people out there also who will sit through my speele then say no thankyou. everynight we mail out letters to confirm the donations made, and each caller writes a personal note by there name on the bottom thanking them for their donation, i think that is neat, we also write a note to though who just wanted information....see some fundrasing people are pretty nice! :P its a pretty laid back job...i eat drink beverages(non-alcoholic) and do crosswords,read mags, play cards...nething to pass time while making calls.(so perfessional huh?)
Tonight i was kind enough to whip up a chicken stir fry, i brought half of it to work to eat on break, and left some for karen...im hoping she ate it, it was sooo delicious!! there was chicken...red peppers, some round white things-water chestnuts i think.?...also some brocolli...carrots...some white sticks?....and sauce...yummmmmy....oh and not to forget the rice you can put on top! i enjoyed it thoroughly, i am a good cook when i want to be! other than that...we are out of food...laundry detergent...soap...well lets see it would be quicker to name what were NOT out of lol....ramon noodles and water :P thats it.:D Anyway yall have fun.
I realized today...that i like the sound pigieons make...its so cute! i was watching mr and mrs. p go for there morning peck on the sidewalks at UW. so tame! Anyway. i had another night at work and i have figured it out, people who hang up, well its just a way to get me back for all the people ive hung up on!! plus why would anyone take that to heart? there is a couple girls who get pretty upset about it and im like honestly have u hung up on some1? they go well yea... however there are nice people out there also who will sit through my speele then say no thankyou. everynight we mail out letters to confirm the donations made, and each caller writes a personal note by there name on the bottom thanking them for their donation, i think that is neat, we also write a note to though who just wanted information....see some fundrasing people are pretty nice! :P its a pretty laid back job...i eat drink beverages(non-alcoholic) and do crosswords,read mags, play cards...nething to pass time while making calls.(so perfessional huh?)
Tonight i was kind enough to whip up a chicken stir fry, i brought half of it to work to eat on break, and left some for karen...im hoping she ate it, it was sooo delicious!! there was chicken...red peppers, some round white things-water chestnuts i think.?...also some brocolli...carrots...some white sticks?....and sauce...yummmmmy....oh and not to forget the rice you can put on top! i enjoyed it thoroughly, i am a good cook when i want to be! other than that...we are out of food...laundry detergent...soap...well lets see it would be quicker to name what were NOT out of lol....ramon noodles and water :P thats it.:D Anyway yall have fun.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Like It's Hard?
Wed-Nes-Day-Well, today started out as normal, i woke up to Normal bubbling for some food, i need to teach him some manners one of these days. Lately i feel so busy, i go get an education most the day, run around doing homework, errands and cancling meetings with teachers and continue to the APT just to study for a test still seems like a foreign language to me(after 6 years u think i'd learned spanish!!) Pretty serious when i am studying through American Idol!! Anyway, i am really short on money as usual but now more than ever, i can't donate plasma for atleast a week for my protien levels are down and that is what i rely on to pay bills. Plus i am lessening my chances for the polaris each time i miss, and this month all my plasma would go to tsunami victims, what it comes down to? I need steak and Im broke. Anyway, my job training went alright monday night, i start really working tonight, it shouldnt be that hard to call and ask for money, and every 5000 grand i bring in, that is a raise for cindy poo, so seeing if i work there for the next 4 years i could make a lil more than i am now. Thats my day ladeda.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Fist fight W/ A Candy Machine
Monday: Well today is going by slowly, however, for awile now i have been craving sun chips, harvest chedder, oooo the best ever. Anyway, i figured i would have the perfect opportunity to eat them my 5th class today during the exam for some brain food. Well, i craved and looked forward all morning, i ran to the candy machine after biology to discover, yes there were some left. i put in the only change i had, 60 cents, just enough. RERERE(thats the sound of the machine). My mouth watered as the wires spined, i could abarely wait for them to drop....to drop...WHAT!? they were stuck NOO! i had no more money to get my beautiful chips, and the worse thing is someother lucky person that has money will get 2 bags when they get chips. I punched the machine, i jumped to pull on the top, i kicked it. Oh the agony! After many looks of "your an idiot" from people i gave up while reading this sign i had not noticed before...."All vending machines are on constant video survellance." Well, i dont care i wanted those chips more than ever. now im in a crummy mood and had no brain power for my exam!! Oh yea btw i start training for my new job tonight, wish me luck!
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
YAY Pokes!
Tuesday: I felt that if i wrote about poker and texas hold-em that i would just be repeating mom's and amba's blog, so i will refrain. Anyway. Last night i arrived home around 9 pm, only to rush through my homework and head to the BYU vs UW cowboys which started at 10. I got there at 930 and had a friend i recently met, KC, just walking through prexie's pasture. Good rodeo kid. Anyway, he had a seat saved 7th row from the front in the student section, however, like saving a "seat" means nething in the student section for we stand the whole time! This game was broadcasted over ESPN and since we had some large signs behind us that students were holding we made it on tv several times, i know this cuz it showed on the big screen and KC's parents called saying they saw us. Pretty neat id say:) i almost caught a Tshirt, and a free pizza, but no cigar maybe next game. It was a blast we won, even though i didnt get home till well after 12. Right now i am just passing time till 1030 when ill return some books and pick karen up for lunch. Later All.
Oh yea i had lots of fun this weekend too!
Oh yea i had lots of fun this weekend too!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Return Of Kelt Man
Well, i will start out with the good news about today. KeltMan has returned to campus, in full kelt attire. I was amazed of his dedication in wearing the kelt in 15 degree weather with snow resting on the ground still. Oh other good news, Susannah called tonight with the information that i am now going to be employed after the 24th. Yes, only two nights a week, but hey, talking on the phone with people from all over the United States and getting paid, could it get any better? Hopefully i will enjoy it enough to continue working as a caller next fall.
Today other than that was pretty ordinary on how i expect my thursdays to go. i finally put a bee in karens butt to help clean the apartment. I think my lack of sleep over the past 2 weeks has made me develope a complulsive disorder, i just pace around and had to start cleaning.
Tomorrow i am looking forward to sleeping in until 9 since i dont have a 9 o'clock class, oh wait i have to get up at 7 to bring karen to work. sigh. it was a lovely thought at the time. Im not sure there is a whole lot new going on, i am trying to learn japanese by listening to the couple next to me speaking it to eachother. I can't figure out a word, its like a foriegn language to me. Later All.
Well, i will start out with the good news about today. KeltMan has returned to campus, in full kelt attire. I was amazed of his dedication in wearing the kelt in 15 degree weather with snow resting on the ground still. Oh other good news, Susannah called tonight with the information that i am now going to be employed after the 24th. Yes, only two nights a week, but hey, talking on the phone with people from all over the United States and getting paid, could it get any better? Hopefully i will enjoy it enough to continue working as a caller next fall.
Today other than that was pretty ordinary on how i expect my thursdays to go. i finally put a bee in karens butt to help clean the apartment. I think my lack of sleep over the past 2 weeks has made me develope a complulsive disorder, i just pace around and had to start cleaning.
Tomorrow i am looking forward to sleeping in until 9 since i dont have a 9 o'clock class, oh wait i have to get up at 7 to bring karen to work. sigh. it was a lovely thought at the time. Im not sure there is a whole lot new going on, i am trying to learn japanese by listening to the couple next to me speaking it to eachother. I can't figure out a word, its like a foriegn language to me. Later All.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Back to School
Monday: Well, at this moment i cant stop coughing, yes i wake up every morning with no voice, dry sore throat and yes a cough that drives everybody around me insane. Anyway. Today and for the rest of the week i have to wake up a half hour earlier than id like in order to take carless(not careless) karen to work. Once again the buick has proved to be slowly fading away. Well, my school day started as this...i got on the shuttle bus over to campus, when somehow, something like coffee maybe got spilled all over my pant legs, im still wondering what for sure it is. Getting off the bus, i got to ice skate, minus the skates across campus. This being since it rains in the evening and freezes to snow and ice throughout the night, it is impossible to walk normal. Feel like i have a gimp in my walk from sliding. Continueing to my first class out of 5 yes 5 in one day, boy will my back be broken carrying that many books and notebooks! Anyway, Spanish went well, i knew a girl from my last semester class so i atleast have someone to communicate with. My next class i also found some wheatland people in it and a girl from a class last semester. This class, abnormal psychology has around a 100 people as my last psych class too, pretty insane i tell you, role isnt even taken from the size. I moved on to my next class which on my paper said room # 4060(alot of stairs) well i arrive at that room to find it is an abnormally large broom closet, and realize my english class is actually in 4066. I am lucky that all my classes stayed were i had planned and not moved, this way they are all on one side of the campus, leaving me without the 7 block walk back and forth in 10 minutes. I continued to my biology class where more wheatland people were in, but i didnt get a chance to sit by them, considering theres about 75+ people in this class also. My last class, just down the stairs, math. by 2 i am pretty hungry and tired as you can imagine. all the thinken ill be trying to do throughout this semester! Plus the fact they said i had no extra loans to by books, i charged them anyway, went straight to the computer and found 3 out of the 4 books and will be saving about 100$ thanks amber for the website!!
Tuesday: Well, today again i slid to class, being it rained and snowed more. I only have one class on tuesdays and thursdays, well and a lab on tuesdays but the labs dont start for awile, thankgod i need to go sleep. At 2 today i have a job interview, wish me luck, i am hoping i will get it, it would be perfect for my scedule. 4 days a week 5-9 talking on the phone...how can you go wrong there? seems flexable as to change to, as long as i am there 2 times a week consistently, they are happy. So hey i need that. Thats all for now.
Tuesday: Well, today again i slid to class, being it rained and snowed more. I only have one class on tuesdays and thursdays, well and a lab on tuesdays but the labs dont start for awile, thankgod i need to go sleep. At 2 today i have a job interview, wish me luck, i am hoping i will get it, it would be perfect for my scedule. 4 days a week 5-9 talking on the phone...how can you go wrong there? seems flexable as to change to, as long as i am there 2 times a week consistently, they are happy. So hey i need that. Thats all for now.
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